Three have been lost - 3

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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
- From a headstone in Ireland

- Jacob's P.O.V -

That night I couldn't sleep at all. I just stared in to the unknown darkness and hoped no one was there. I couldn't take the risk of losing one more person in my life. Regardless how save this house should be, with all its high security, that sound was not caused by any wind. No, this was something else. And that something was unknown and could harm us. I couldn't live with myself if I woke up and suddenly someone was gone, not again...

As the hours passed I thought about the attraction between me and the wall. What was there? And what made that sound? I must've fallen asleep at one point because suddenly Nate woke me up with a big smile on his face.

His word was mostly a blur as I sat up on my bed. "Hey you are looking well rested", Nate says to me ironically. I can see how Nate picks up my clothes and trows them at me. My reflexes clearly do not exist yet because my clothes hit me in the head. Nate laugh as he puts on his black hoodie over his already black outfit.

"Common sleepyhead, we've already had time to checked the house after any intruders", I look at Nate in shock and terror. "Do you think I could stand here calmly if we found anything?" He asks me with a smirk on his freckled face. "But then what was that sound?" I ask wondering. "Don't know, it was probably like Alice said yesterday. Nothing to worry about buddy" I force myself to smile as I lie to my friends face "You're probably right".

I put on my blue sweater and my pants from yesterday and hurry after Nate who is headed to the kitchen. We walk in and meet the girls fully dressed in their matching gray pajamas. I look down as a blue sparkly thing caught my eyes. I smile at the slippers Alice is wearing, the same pair I bought her last summer. It took me one month of hard work to save up to them, but the look on her face when she opens the present was worth all the hard working hours.

I fill up a bowl with milk and cereals and take it with me to the table where a hot discussion already has taken shape. The most of the conversation is a blur and I'm thankful that Nate also sits and stare in to the blue sky so that I don't have to force myself to talk. That's one thing I like about my friends, you don't always have to talk. You can just sit back and relax without feeling pressured to talk.

But I think the main points of the conversation, mostly between the girls, went from arguing about team Edward or team Jacob, then to what Harry Potter book is the best (which clearly is the fourth one), then they cry a little over Robert Pattinsons death in the Harry Potter movie. Then the arguing begin more noticeable as the started talking about the climate, and how stupid some people are. That's almost their go to conversation, and it brings me joy to hear it again.

"I don't understand girls", Nate whisper to me. I look at him and he notice I haven't listened to the hole conversation so he fill me in. "They go from, "guys are idiots" to "OMG he's soooo cute"???!", Nate says to me in a high pitched voice. "Hey!" Chloé says as she turns around from the dishwasher and throws her pink scrunchie at Nate. I just look at him an laugh, "You know what?" I ask him "I think you never will!".

"Jacob, those two idiots have asked me to teach them some moves. Do you want to join us?" She points her head at Nate and Chloé who now are walking down the hallway to their rooms. "No thanks, I didn't sleep last night, I think I could need a nap before doing anything else." I smile and Alice places her hand on my cheek as she studies my face.

"You sure that's it?", "Yeah", I answer and this time it's not a lie, I could really need some sleep. "Okey then, join us when you are feeling better" she adds before we walk together in the same direction Nate and Chloé disappeared in.

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