The first time - 9

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"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
- Dolly Parton

- Alice P.O.V -

All I could feel was that my stomach turned inside out. I sat down on the nearest rock and tried to calm my lunch down before it would reappear again.

"Are you alright love?" Peter asks me. I take a second check with my stomach before standing up again. I meet his emerald green eyes and can't help but to stop for a moment. Now when I'm not trying to duel or run away from him I notice that he's... handsome.

His slightly sun kissed light skin matches perfectly with his brown hair that shines golden in the light, not unlike mine. Everything in his face is perfectly structured, centered and balanced. Nothing and everything sticks out with it's beauty in this painting which is his face. I can feel how my eyes stopped at his slightly pink lips. They looks so soft and inviting, they are almost like magnets against my own.

I shake my head when I realize what I'm almost making myself do... "I'm fine" I answer him at last and turn my head away from his in embarrassment.

"You sure? The first time is always the worst" he says and give me a concerned look. "First time for what?" I ask him and then notice a new sound... "A waterfall?!? How did it get here?" Peter chuckles and lean in closer, "You mean how did we get here?". I look around and notice that things actually look a little different, even though it's still a green forest to me.

"We teleported!" He said before I could even open my mouth. I should usually be shocked but I'm so numb after everything so what's coming out of me is "oh.. okay..". I started walking towards the new sound and came across a small and beautiful waterfall. The small lake is surrounded by beautiful plants I've never seen before.

"Are you ready?" I force myself to turn away from the stunning scenery and look at the boy who asked me a question. He takes a step closer to me and unbutton his gray pants. "What do you mean?!" I ask Peter and take a step back away from him.

I watch as he's face turn into a grin as he unzip his fly. I turn way from the creepy, and somewhat attractive, guy "What the hell are you doing?!?".

"Weren't we supposed to wash ourselves?" He says behind me. "What where you thinking of, love..?" He says mockingly and I can feel my stupid face turn red. "Nothing" I spit out. "You can begin" I tell him as I sit down on a rock covered with soft green moss.

"But why don't you join me?" He says and all I can do is choke on the air I'm trying to breath in. "No thanks!" I spit out from my place and focus on staring out into the mysterious and never ending forest.


After a while a hear someone approaching, but I still maintain my staring position. There's no way I'm risking anything with that boy...

"Why are you still sitting there? It's your turn." I hear Peter's voice utter behind me. "Peter if I ask you something will you tell me the truth?" I ask him still pinned on the rock. "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but you can trust my words" he answer me. "Okay then tell me, Peter!" I spit out of my, tired of this, "Do you have any clothes on right now?"

I waited a moment until I heard "Now I do..." coming from behind me. I hesitate before turning around and facing the now clean and dressed boy. "Your turn" he says and hands me a soup bar and a white towel. I stand up and walk closer to the water.

I grab the hem of my shirt and start pulling it up, but  quickly stops when I see Peter. He has taking my earlier position on the stone, but unlike me, he isn't facing the forest.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I ask him and give him the typical death stare. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew how to get back to camp" he says smirking at me. Oh I'm so tired of that boys games.... "Just leave me alone!" I spit out.

"As the lady wish" he says and disappears in thin air. With clenched teeth I start taking of my black shirt again. But then it hit me... I actually have no idea how to get back... oh no what have I done?! I'm going to get even more lost and then eaten by some weird Neverland-creature...

"Peter! Peter! Came back Peter!" I cry out desperately and a little panicked. "Oh how I love it when girls shout my name". The brunette reapers on the rock. I pick up one of my sneakers and trows it at him. "Hey! Can you at least try to avoid the face!" He says catching the shoe in his hand.

"Just don't look at me okay!?!" I say to him. "And what if I accidentally peek?" He asks me as he turns around facing the forest. "Well then I might accidentally kill you!" I say treating. "Oh really?" He ask me and begins to turn around again. I pick up my other shoe and trows it at his head. "Don't look!", "Alright..." he says petting his head after the shoe attack.

- Jacob's P.O.V -

I lay down on the small bed in my cramped treehouse. The room doesn't have much, it's mostly the bed, a nightstand and a small wardrobe. I look up at the ceiling where a black old lantern is hanging. It looks like it could fall anytime but I don't have the strength to get up an fix it.

Even though I'm still worried about Alice, Chloé and Nate I'm too tired to think. I can feel everything disappear around me as I close my eyes.

- Chloé's P.O.V-

"Thanks" I grab the water bottle Nate is handing me. "Don't you think they should've been back by now?" I ask Nate before taking a big sip out of the fresh and cold water. "How long have they been away?" He asks me. I walk over to the bench where's my phone is laying and turn it on "They have been away for almost an hour!" I say shocked and turn to Nate.

He's calm face turns a little worried as he walks over to me. "I think they're fine" he says. "One hour?!" I repeat. "Okay you are right..." lest go and check if they are alright.

- Alice P.O.V -

I felt so good to let the water from the waterfall clean off all the dirt I've gotten from the last two days. It almost tickled when the drops hit my bare skin.

"Alice..." I hear a voice say... What was that?! "Alice..." I hear again. It sound like voice I've heard somewhere before... a familiar but yet unknown voice. It sounds like.. "Alice..." a woman's voice...

It's coming from behind the waterfall... I walk trough it and found a cage. It's big and dark. I shouldn't walk in there, especially naked. What if it's just one of the lost boys tricking me.

"Alice..." but it couldn't be, it really sounds like a woman. I take a step inside almost as if something is dragging me in...

"Alice! Are you done soon? You're taking forever!" Peter's voice says from outside the cage. I snap out of it and head back to Peter to put on my clothes again  before he decides to "accidentally" peek because it takes to long.

- Words from the author -
This chapter became a little shorter then the last one and I was supposed to have the evening in it too ;) but I got carried away Hahhaha
I hope you still liked it!
Ig: @ouat._.peter._.pan

Stay safe <3

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