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The next morning I woke up and Sebastian wasn't in bed, he probably went for his jogs. I did a little stretch and got out of bed slowly, it's not as hard to walk as I thought it'd be but I still need a cane. I went to the bathroom and gave myself a quick glance in the mirror, the faint marks on my neck from where Sebastian kissed me made me blush. I took a quick shower and then went to the kitchen, Sebastian was making breakfast and there was a box on the table.

I smiled at him as he turned to greet me with a plate of food "Thank you," I said. And he nodded his head. He grabbed the box on the table and sat beside me at the dining room table, "For me? You shouldn't have." I teased as he passed me the box. I opened the box and inside was white bunny bedroom slippers, a memory came flooding over me and I dropped the box. My heart felt like it stopped as memories that weren't real started to consume me. My rabbit, my little rabbit, his poor little feet. I shook my head at my obscene thoughts. "What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" Sebastian asked concerned.

I inhaled sharply. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little scatter brained." I said nervously laughing. "Uh I do think I'll need to see the doctor soon, that accident has really been fucking my memories up," I said. He picked the box up. "Yea, because you love bunnies, but your face had looked like it seen a ghost so something must be going on." He added. Yea he's right that must be it. I started to ease a little he doesn't deserve this insane woman for a wife. I wish this never happened I just want to move forward and get on with my life.

I picked up the shoes from the floor and tried them on."They're lovely, thank you." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "When can I visit my parents and Julie's grave?" "We can go see your parents tomorrow and I'm sorry to tell you but Julie was cremated." He said. I frowned. "Well can I talk to her parents at least, I need a new phone." I said. He turned and passed me a new phone, but I've literally never seen this brand and model before. "Thanks for reminding me. I got you a new phone. And don't worry it's all set up for you," He said smiling.

I took the phone and thanked him. "What type of phone is this? I've never seen it before. Is it like a droid?" I asked. "No the local area has a tech company, this is the phone they created," He said. I would really have just preferred an iPhone but this works too; I don't wanna seem ungrateful. I turned my phone on and the same symbol on the plaque outside, flashed on the phone before it turned on. These people must really love themselves.

I scrolled through my contacts and went to call up Julies mom; the phone started ringing but nobody answered. I call her three more times and still I got no answer, I was about to give up when she texted me.

Lauren: Hey Abeda I'm so happy you're okay!! We've been so worried about you, how are ya?

Me: Hi I'm as okay as I can be Ms. Lauren. I'm really sorry about what happened with Julie

Lauren: Please don't apologize. And you know you can call me Lauren if you want. Julie loved you like a sister. You should stop by sometime

Me: Of course, I will as soon as I'm able to. Where are her ashes I'd love to be able to say goodbye

It's been three hours since and I haven't gotten a text back it's probably hard for her to hear from me. Julie wouldn't have died if she didn't come to my wedding; she probably blames me. Hell, even I'm starting to blame myself. I sighed and threw myself onto my bed. Why can't she just be here with me? Julie was supposed to always be here with me. Tears started to form in my eye, to top off all of this I have memory loss.


I laid in bed with Sebastian for hours; I just don't feel like leaving my bed today. Survivors guilt is kicking my ass. I can't understand why I'm here and they aren't. I lost my parents, my best friend, and part of my sanity. I snuggled into his arms as he stroke my thigh softly, I almost drifted off to sleep and then my phone alarm went off. I groaned. "I completely forgot about book club. I don't know if I feel like going anymore," I said.

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