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It's been a while now since I went to the last book club. My mind hasn't been at rest since Ive arrived, but to be fair my life's been a mess since I woke up. I can't blame this place though. I've been worried about Valeria too. I may not know her from a hole in the wall, but she's a woman in need of help, I just know it! To top it off she's pregnant, the bastard probably moved her here to get her away from her family, abusive weirdo.

To top off my worries I have yet to see my parents have and I haven't been able to reach Julies parents. I blame myself everyday that I've been awake, and I won't stop any time soon. All the what if's scenarios have a control over me, Julie was their only child. Because of me their only child is dead, I looked down at my phone and sighed. I'm just going to leave them alone, clearly I'm bothering them at one of the worst points in their lives.

I need to go on with my life, Sebastians been telling me I should just let go of the past and start over. What if he's right, maybe I should just let it all go. It's not like anyone else is waiting for me. Thank god tonight is book club, I need this distraction. Hopefully I can see Valeria and we can talk more, I can make getting to the bottom of this my way of distraction. I laid in bed pondering at what it could have been that she wanted to tell me, when Sebastian walked in. I sat up"Hey babe." he said sitting beside me. I scooted over and put my head on his lap "Can we go see my parents grave today?" I asked. He looked down at me "Babe, they're right downstairs." He said. I shot upright."What do you mean?"

"They're downstairs, come." He said as he stood up and walked to the door.

I got off the bed as quick as I could and made my way downstairs, I turned the corner to the living room and on the coffee table was two urns. I froze at the sight, this isn't what they wanted! I turned to Sebastian angrily "You told me they were buried! Why did you do this? You and I both know this isn't what they would have wanted!" I spat. He looked at me confused "When did I tell you that? Oh no, your head injury must really be hurting your memory," He said. He walked over to me, his hand extended to caress my cheek but I stepped back. "No Sebastian! Don't do that, I know what you said! This isn't my memory problems, you told me they were buried!"

He shook his head "Shush shush, it's okay Abeda. No need to get aggressive, let's calm it down." He said. I looked at him bewildered. "STOP IT! STOP IT NOW! IM NOT CRAZY!" I spat! "You're weaponizing my illness, I know what I heard!" I said. I feel like I'm being brainwashed, I maybe having some issues but this time I know I'm not making it up. I placed my hands in my hair and shook my head sobbing. 'These memories are mine, these memories are mine, these memories are mine.' I kept repeating to myself. Sebastian wrapped his arms around me in a tight hold, I shook but he held me in place. "It's okay, you're gonna be alright. You'll always have me, just the two of us." He cooed in my ear.

I slowly started to relax into his embrace "Hey Abeda, look at me." He said. I slowly turned to face him and looked into his honey kissed brown eyes "I love you, we will work together to get your brain back to normal. I'm all you have left, don't chase me away.  You know I'm the only one with your best interest at heart, it hurts me that your accuse me of trying to manipulate you." He stated. I began to feel really bad, I did recently wake up from a comatose state, I could easily have misheard him. I sobbed into the croak of his neck "I...I'm so sorry." I said softly, he stroked my hair "It's okay Babe, I forgive you." He said.

He looked deep into my eyes "You can always talk to me, let me take on your problems. Now try and relax and maybe we can talk about this, do you want some tea?" He asked. I inhaled slowly and nodded my head, his thumb lightly wiped the tears off my check as he leaned in and gave me a lingering kiss on the forehead. He then stood up and went into the kitchen, I looked over at the urns on the coffee table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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