Chapter 12

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Clay watched as the sword changed course, heading towards Schlatt and Wilbur. Techno was on a straight course towards his brother in hopes that, maybe, just maybe, he could be saved. 

By now, Phil and George had finally made it out, and Phil stood shell shocked as he saw his beloved son bleeding out on the pavement. George headed straight towards Nick and Clay, who were huddled together, Nick fussing over Clays injuries. 

"You're bleeding, are you alright?" George asked frantically, kneeling down into the mud. "I'm fine." Clay muttered, dragging out his satchel from underneath himself to see if his biggest worry was true. As he pulled back the flap, he was met with broken glass and pooling liquids. George and Nick didn't notice however, and kept making a deal over his wound.

"Here let me." George said, reaching his hands up to help the prince with his injuries. "No, Wilbur.." Clay replied, pushing the hands away and getting off the ground. George looked over and saw the sight, Phil cradling his son in his arms, while Techno was ruthlessly beating the absolute shit out of Schlatt.

The poor guy was blubbering, trying to get some form of relief, but it only continued. 

The three rushed over to see what exactly was happening. Clay placed a careful hand on Techno's shoulder, receiving a terrifying glance back, it was a mix of pure anger, and fear.

"Look at him, I think its been enough. We can take him to the castle and lock him away, he doesn't deserve death." Clay said quietly, pulling Techno's raised arm away from Schlatt's face. Techno took a breath, and looked back down. He got off of the man with an aggressive motion, wiping his bloodied hands on his pants. 

It was weird for Clay to not fear the man in front of him, but now he knew that Techno's allegiances allied with those he cared about, and right now, one of them was dying on the ground. Maybe they could be friends, work together now that the man behind the scenes wasn't going anywhere except a deep dark cavern in the castles dungeons. 

Now that Clay thought about it, he could go home. 

What would his father think? What would the reaction be? He had been dead for 2 months. Some people could still be grieving, some probably moved on and forgot about his existence. 

But he couldn't think about that now, he had to help out with Wilbur.

"Please, help..." Phil cried, trying to stop whatever bleeding he could. George nodded with a creased brow, kneeling down to Wilbur and looking at the wound. He was barely breathing, and on the verge of death. If you asked George, he wouldn't be able to explain how the hell he managed to hang on for that long.

"You brought the potions?" George asked, looking up at Clay. Clay nodded, but he was also saying no with his facial expression. "You have them right, do that weird shit and heal him." Techno added, looking over at the prince.

Clay sighed, opening up his bag for everyone to see. " I did, but when I was knocked to the ground, the remaining potions were crushed under my weight. They're mixed in with the weakness potions, I don't know what that would do to him."

George sighed, looking back down at Wilbur, who was a deadly pale color, and probably hanging on by the thinnest thread known to man. 

The mage pulled in a deep breath, preparing to put his full energy into this. His magical energy was fully recharged, but he knew getting Wilbur to a stable place would take more than what he had. 

All he needed to do was get him into a better condition, that way they could take him to the castle and brew more potions to heal him fully.

George placed his hands onto the wound and closed his eyes in concentration. Words he heard during his studies echoed in his head as he began to heal the wound.

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