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42 Years later, Ophelia's POV

I sat on my bed reading the book of Ruby Alice Redwood. Our assignment was that we had to study a person who had a tough life and had to get through it. Everyone knows about the story of Ruby. her dad was some murderer and ended lots of lives, and when her mother found out about this she killed him. Then, the dads murderer friends went to find her and the mom grabbed her daughter (Ruby) hoped in her car, and drove off ending up getting chased by the friends and found themselves on the Golden Gate Bridge which was getting rebuilt because of some accident. Anyways, the car had fallen off the bridge. Ruby's mom had survived but Ruby sadly didn't make it but I still don't believe that part, because they never found her body, just her little red headband

I broke a tear, remembering the tragic story. Ruby was only 7 when this happened and I didnt think she deserved her life to end like that, if it did

"Honey dinner is ready!" my mom screamed from down stairs, interrupting my thoughts.. I sat the book down of the story of Ruby and ran down stairs to eat dinner.

We sat in silence as we ate our dinner.

"So how was your day at school, Ophelia?" My dad said, breaking the silence shoving some rice in his mouth.

"It was boring like usual but we get to study a person who had a rough life and got through it, I decided to study Ruby Redwood" his face went dark and his whole expression turned into guilt

"Wh-why wou-would you study her? She didn't have a rough life" He said, stumbling upon his words. I gave him a confused look but answered his question anyway.

"Well, she did have a hard life, plus there's so much I want to know about her! Like what happened to her? Did she die? Or did she survive and just no one saw her-" he stopped me there.

"She's dead and that was 42 years ago! She's gone, even if she did survive, how would she survive after her mom was dead and she would have nowhere to go!?" He pushed his chair back and stood up and walked to his room to probably work.. I brushed my teeth and went to bed. Was he MAD? Was the question I left myself before drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

The next day wasn't any better. Our teacher told us we were going on a field trip to "Alker Zoo '' even worse it's over night and all I wanted to do was study Ruby!

"Hey are you excited?" My friend, Abigail, said as we were getting our food

"No" I said as I put some Mac n Cheese on my tray

"What, why not?"

"Just, I really wanna study more about Ruby!" she gave me a weird look

"You're obsessed with Ruby" we walked over to a seat and sat down

"No I'm not! I just really wanna find out if Ruby Survived the crash!" She put her face in her palms.


After school I went home to see no one there. They probably werent back from work yet. I thought as I went to my room. A few hours went by and my parents werent home yet. I was getting worried so I diccided to call them but both of them didnt answer. I went downstairs to see the TV was on. I didnt remember the TV being on when I went upstairs. I thought I walked over to it to see that it was playing the news.

"A woman and man went missing this afternoon and their bodies have still not been found" The news reporter said as a picture of the man and woman popped up on the screen and what stood there was MY father and mothers anniversary picture! MY PARENTS WHERE THE ONES THAT WENT MISSING!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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