Y/n and Jimin having a fight. (Jimin's reaction)

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*You had some important business at work and therefore arrived at home very late. You had a habit of calling Jimin to tell him you were going to be late but this time, you forgot to call him due to the loads of work you had. You got home to meet an angry and jealous Park Jimin*

You: Good evening honey.

Jimin:y/n,why are you late?It's almost 11:00pm and I've been trying to reach you since ten but your phone was switched off.

*You now realized that your phone's battery was low since morning*

You: Sorry my phone's battery was low since morning and I really forgot to call you or message you.

Jimin:y/n,you forgot huh?Tell me,what's going on?

*You got very angry at Jimin too. how can he think like that of you?*

You:Jimin,will you stop that? Why,is it wrong for me to forget something?

Jimin:This is not just"something" y/n,It's me you're dealing with. How can you forget to call me or even text me? Unless.....

You:Jimin,I already told you that my phone's battery has been low. What are you trying to get at? Jimin, please don't push this any further.

Jimin:You should have CALLED ME.

You:Jimin,are you deaf? No are you some god or something? Why are you taking this too far?

Jimin:I am not a god but I certainly am your husband so learn to respect me or get your f***ing a** off my face.

*You looked at Jimin with teary eyes and he immediately regretted what he said*

Jimin:look y/n......

*You got your f***ing a** of his face and run to the bathroom. You never thought  this was possible but you took a 2 minutes bath or less.you then took your pillow and blanket and stormed out of the room. You got to the living room to find Jimin rooted at the same spot where he was standing before you left.you placed a mat on the floor,coverd yourself with the blanket and rested your head on the pillow*

You: Since for no reason you were jealous,I decided to leave the room for you. At least you have something that would not come home late or leave you. Good night.

*After giving your last speech,you shut your eyes tightly and tried to sleep. However,you couldn't sleep because you also had a habit of kissing Jimin good night.in no moment,you felt a hand wrap tightly around your waist.*

Jimin:y/n honey I am so sorry. I got carried away. I am so sorry.please forgive me.

You:go away Jimin,I don't want to talk to you.you have a whole room to yourself.make good use of it.

Jimin: Baby, please don't be like this.please I am sorry sorry sorry sorry.

You:I told you to leave.

Jimin:No,I will sleep here with you.

You:Suit yourself.

*Jimin held your shoulder and turned you to face him since it was your back that was facing him at first.*


*He used two of his fingers to lift your chin up so that you would be looking right into his eyes and..............*


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