It was always You

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My Dearest,

I am sorry beyond words. I promise you once I return from wherever this train takes me tonight, everything will be okay. I will always come back home to you. Don’t forget to feed little Jamison one scoop of fish food tonight, we cannot have you being put on trial for murder as well. 

I have to take time to myself for a couple of days, and I left my Harvard hoodie on your pillow, I know that is your favorite.

Te amo.


Two months. Two months since he left, two months since Rafael disappeared from your life. 

“Y/N, Stone needs you to answer questions about the interrogation we did earlier.” Carisi placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a small smile.

Of course Stone needed answers, he knew nothing about the case, he knew nothing about the victims, he knew nothing. You swallowed whatever was left of your coffee and followed Sonny to the DA’s office. 

“Are you alright?” Sonny managed to break through that thick layer of silence you tried to ignore. 

“I’m just really tired today Carisi.” You both made your way to the door of Stone’s office, which had a small gold plaque which read ADA Peter Stone. 

You approached the wooden door, palms soaked with anticipation. You never thought you would be able to work beside Oliva Benson, let alone, the infamous Rafael Barba. Of course, throughout your patrol time, on days you had off, you would sit in on some of the cases Barba and the SVU team put together. 

“Ah, Detective y/l/n, Oliva has told me so much about you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Rafael spoke out towards you with his hand raised. “ADA Rafael Barba.” He introduced himself as he shook your hand. 

The first touch, the first face to face encounter with Rafael, happened right behind this door, and the fact that he was no longer behind it lacerated your heart, piece by piece. 

“Any update?” Stone looked up from his laptop to both you and Sonny.

“The perp, is now changing his story again.” Sonny rolled his eyes towards the ADA.

You coughed and let out a soft, sarcastic, laugh.

“Try the victim, her story is constantly inconsistent.” You crossed your arms and refused to take a seat next to your partner across from Peter’s desk. “Every time I ask her about what happened, her story changes.”

“Detective, we both know that it is possible the events are finally becoming clear, which explains the inconsistencies.” Peter nodded.

That seemed to snap something inside of your brain.

“If you don’t like my opinion, don’t ask for it, Stone.” That was the thing, Rafael never liked your opinion’s either. He always had some smart ass remark about every single word that left your mouth at work, but he made sure he took them into account and actually checked the facts. “You walk around here like you own all of us. You think you’re some big shot? Truth is Peter, I can’t stand you or your tactics. You treat everyone as if they are below you, and you refuse to give anyone a fair chance. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe somebody besides yourself could be right about something?”

“Y/N, I don’t know exactly how Rafael ran things around here, he is gone. He isn’t coming back. This is now my office, and my case. Which means, it is going to be my way.”

He isn’t coming back

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