Take my Jacket Part 2

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It had been two weeks since you and Rafael had shared a passionate kiss in Olivia's office. With the recent prostitution bust, work was so busy you barely had time to sleep, let alone think about the intense moment you two had exchanged. You welcomed the distraction. There were too many questions swimming in your head about Rafael. You were confused about what had occured with him. After all those months of sexual tension between you two, it was a relief to finally act upon all of the pent up feelings you had for Rafael. What did this all mean for you both. Where do you two go from here? Was this only a physical attraction? Would this affect your career at SVU? It wasn't that long ago that you gave your heart to someone, only to have it broken. The idea of opening up to someone and not having them reciprocate your feelings, made your stomach churn.

Rafael was up to his elbows in work. He was taking the pimps that your squad had arrested to trial soon. These men had managed to evade the law before and he was determined to put them away for good this time. Every witness, every testimony, and piece of evidence had to be coordinated perfectly. This trial was a dance and Rafael, the choreographer. He had prepped everyone on the squad for their time on the stand. Well almost everyone, he had yet to work with you.

You sipped on your fifth cup of coffee as you typed out yet another report. You could barely keep your eyes open. You rested your head in your arms and closed your eyes for just a second. "Y/N!" You heard your lieutenant calling your name. You opened your eyes and looked up to see Olivia smirking at you. "Hope I'm not interrupting your nap. Barba called, he needs you to head over to his office tonight to prep you for your testimony."

You choked on your coffee, you had been doing such a great job avoiding Rafael, you didn't want to stop now. You racked your brain trying to think of any excuse not to go. "Does it have to be tonight? Ummmm, I mean....I just.....you know I think I have some........event tonight....I uhhhhhhhhhhhh." Olivia raised her eyebrows at you, " Y/N, the trial is in three days. We've got to nail these guys once and for all. You're the only one left that hasn't prepped with Barba. You will go and see him tonight, that's an order." You nodded, "Copy that lieutenant." You let out a long sigh and chugged the rest of your coffee before getting up to grab cup number 6.

Rafael sat at his desk, his sleeves rolled up, writing furiously on his legal pad. He glanced over at his phone, then leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face with his hands. Rafael had replayed the kiss you two had shared over and over in his head. The exchange had given him some hope that his infatuation was not just one-sided. Rafael hadn't allowed himself to open his heart to anyone since Yelina. He would never admit it out loud, but he was afraid, afraid to be so vulnerable and exposed. Just then he heard a soft knock and saw your head poke through the door.

Rafael leapt from his desk to greet you, "Y/N, please come in." He gestured towards the chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat, can I get you some coffee?" You smiled politely and shook your head, "No thank you, I think if I have another cup of coffee my head will explode."

He lightly chuckled and went to sit back behind his desk, "I know the feeling, I'm on cup number 7 now." You took your seat in front of him. Both of you silent, the only noise being the ticking of the clock. After a few seconds, Rafael cleared his throat, "So for your testimony..."

You cut him off immediately, "Counselor, before we start, I think we need to address the elephant in the room. I need to apologize for the other day in Olivia's office. I don't know what I was thinking but it was extremely unprofessional. I can assure you that it won't happen again." Your heart sank, you lied to Rafael. In that moment, looking at him, you couldn't handle the possibility of rejection. It was self preservation.

Rafael tried mask the sting he felt from your words. He gave you a tight smile. "Absolutely, now let's get to work on your testimony. It's late and I am sure you would like to get home."

After an hour or so, the awkward tension dissipated from the room. Both of you had moved to the couch to get more comfortable. You were even cracking a few jokes and laughing a little. "This isn't so bad, I can be professional and friendly with Rafael without feeling the urge to shove my tongue down his throat," you thought to yourself. After sitting in one position on the couch for an hour, you repositioned yourself to get more comfortable. Just then you felt your calf muscle tighten up into a ball and a shooting pain. You gasped and whimpered in pain, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, owwwwwwwww charley horse. Oh God!!!!" You tried to work the cramp out of your leg, but to no avail. Just then you felt your leg being lifted by Rafael. He immediately started to massage the cramp out of your calf with his large hands. As if your leg only responded to his touch, the muscle started to loosen up and you began to feel some relief. Rafael looked from you to your leg he was touching, trying to gauge if his massage was working. "Is that better?"

You sighed, "Yeah, its loosening up. Thank you." Your relief from your charley horse being gone was short lived as soon as you noticed your leg was still in Rafael's lap. You blushed and immediately sat up. After a few awkward moments of silence, Rafael tried to lighten the mood, "First your hair and now your leg. You're falling apart on me, detective." You laughed lightly. Both of you turned to look at each other. Staring into Rafael's green eyes, those eyes that had you mesmerized for months, you realized you couldn't lie to him about how you felt. Consequences be damned. "I lied," you blurted out.

Rafael looked confused by your statement, "Excuse me?"

You let out a long breath, "I lied to you counselor. Earlier when I apologized for kissing you. I'm not sorry, I have wanted to kiss you from the moment we first met. I have cared about you for such a long time and that night, it made me think that perhaps you felt the same way about me."

Rafael stared at you, his eyes boring into yours was too much. You put your head down and closed your eyes trying to fight back the tears that were forming in your eyes. "Oh shit, what did I just do. Please say something, anything." Just then you felt a hand caress your hair and heard his voice, " I do feel the same way about you."

You looked up at him, tears in your eyes, "You do?" Rafael smiled softly and held your face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe the tears falling down your cheeks. "Of course I do, Y/N. Do you have any idea the effect you have on me? I can barely do my job when I am around you." He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching yours and softly whispered, "I want to relive that kiss over and over again with you."

You closed the gap between you both and kissed him, the it started out soft then become more passionate. You ran your hands through his hair and turned your head to deepen the kiss, taking his bottom lip between your teeth. He moaned against your mouth and pushed you down onto the couch, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck. You gasped and ran your hands down his back to his ass, where you gave him a tight squeeze. Rafael looked down at you and worked on unbuttoning your blouse. "Is this ok?" He asked. Not trusting your ability to speak, you nodded your head and smiled.

He returned the smile and began work again on your blouse. Kissing down your chest with each button he undid. He licked over the top swell of each breast where it met the lace of your bra. You moaned, "More, please." You could feel his cock getting hard. Desperate for some friction, you grinded your wet center against him. Rafael groaned and looked up at you. He had never seen anyone so beautiful, your eyes half lidded with lust, pink lips swollen and luscious, just as he was about to continue his descent down your body, he heard a vacuum cleaner in the office down the hall. The noise brought him back to reality. Rafael had waited for this moment for so long, he wanted to worship every inch of you for hours. He didn't want to do that in his office. As hard as it was, he willed himself to stopped, "No."

You opened your eyes and propped yourself up on your elbows. "No?" You repeated, trying to catch your breath. Rafael caressed your cheek, "Let's go back to my place. I want to take my time with you." You smiled and kissed the inside of his palm. "Mmm whatever you say, counselor." Rafael laughed and said, "Please call me Rafael. I just had my tongue down your throat, we can stop with the formalities."

You laughed, "Ok, Rafael."

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