Chapter 26: I love you and scream!

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HEY GUYS!! ANOTHER UPDATE!!! YAYY! Sorry I didn't update earlier but with Christmas and everything around, I was busy! I got a bunch of 1D stuff, including my Zayn stand up! Plus I wanted to relax and stuff so yeah. Also there's been some family problems and yeah...anyways yeah! Umm it snowed! yay! and my phone fell and the screen cracked:( So pissed! my mom doesn't know! Anyways SMUT ALERT!! yup gonna get steamy as you read so beware. Thank u for all the comments and votes I love them and I love you guys!! Anyways sorry if is short and stuff but go ahead and read!!

Oh and listen to the song on the side----->


Zayn's P.O.V:

I didn't cry.

I didn't cry after the doctors pushed me out of the room, trying to get my mom to respond. I didn't cry as they lowered them down to the ground, covering them in dirt where they would forever sleep. Something inside me enabled me to do it. I don't know why, it might seems cruel, yes but I couldn't help it. I think the shock of it all was what stopped me. After I called Doniya to tell her the news, we agreed that she would take the girls and I would visit them every two weeks to see how they are. I offered to help financially too put she just waved it off like no big deal. "I could handle it." She had managed to say in between sobs.

The doctors had taken Safaa to the children's area on the other side of the hospital where they tried to get her distracted and explain to her what had happened without making it sound too horrible. A 10 year old can only take so much. At the funeral she held my hand tight but didn't cry to much. Only as her turn to throw the rose in, that's when I saw her tear stained face. But only during that time (I don't know what or how are Islam funerals are even though I'm studying Islam at the moment but since I'm catholic, Ive seen this happen before so yeah. I'm sorry if its different. Plus Ive only been to like 2 funerals before cause my mom prefers to keep us away from them when people or relatives die so yeah. Sorry)

Waliyha had it worse though. The doctors had to give her anesthesia so she could calm down and go to sleep. After the doctors calmly explain to her what happened she went crazy screaming and crying. I knew because she was young and she lived with my parents her whole life. Knowing they were gone and life was about to change, is hard. She held unto Greg and Doniya as they both cried. Greg hadn't really cried but I could see him sad as she saw his wife, and sisters in law in so much pain over the loss.

I helped the girls get their stuff together in bags and boxes as they cleaned the house away a few days later after the death. Doniya talked to one of our aunts form our father's side who decided and agreed to take over all the papers of the house and getting everything set including helping Doniya with the custody papers. My aunt talked to me a few time with simple 'hellos's, help's, thank you's, your welcome's, please's and bye's' but nothing more. By the time the girls and I were ready to leave everything as set and clear, shock gone replaced with a certain piece of sadness and emptiness.

Louis, Harry, and Niall had called and texted me a few times giving me updates on how Liam was doing and wondering how things were going. Greg must have called Niall to tell him what happened, who must have told the others because Harry called and asked me how I was doing and if I was okay or did I need some help. I just told him I was fine. Louis apologized for hanging upon me at the hospital, for his phone died. Also how they explained what happened, well what they knew before Liam had passed out. Everyone had called except Liam. The person who I wanted to speak to the most. I know hes mad but we have to talk, I just hoped he was okay. That's how I found myself parking outside our - if its was ours still, complex after some emotionally tiring days.

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