Chapter 1: Story Time

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Okay my lovely fans as you know this is a new story that I decided to write....I don't know when ill start but this is the first chapter. Very sorry its short. Well that's just to satisfy and let u know I WILL b writing it, soon I hope.


Zayn's P.O.V

"Daddies I'm home!!!" called our 14 year old daughter Kara who had just gotten home from school. "In the kitchen!" called Liam, my husband. Yeah I know me and him stayed together after all those years. "Hey dad, hey daddy." Kara said kissing my cheek and giving Liam a hug. "Hey how was your day?" I asked. "Boring. The teacher just gave us homework. Tons of it. Now I cant hang out with Ally." she whinnied. Ally was Louis and Harry's 14 year old daughter. Those two got married 2 years ago then adopted Ally who was 12. She has Louis personality. While Kara had a bit of my personality mixed with her own.

We heard the phone ring from upstairs and Kara dashed to get it. "What is her deal?" Liam asked laying a plate of samosas in front of me. "Maybe she has a boyfriend or something." I dugged into the food. "Mhhm this is good babe. Thanks." he pecked my lips. "Welcome love."

Me and Liam were snuggled up on the couch. He was sitting in my lap and His head was resting in the crook of my neck. My hands lay-ed lazily on his hips while we watched 'The Lucky One'. "Daddies where are you?" Kara called from the stairs. "Living room" I called back. i paused the movie as she came in with a notebook and pen. Boris, our dog trailing behind her. She sat down in the other couch while Boris snuggled close to her feet. "I need help" she said. "In what exactly." Liam asked sitting up. Suddenly I felt cold. I let out a small whimper while he chuckled and lay ed my head on his shoulder. "Writing. I need to write about my parents. On how they met and fell in love and stuff. So basically my parents love story" she explained.

"Umm sweety why don't you just make one up. I don't think your teacher wants to hear our story. Its sad and well about two guys." Liam said. I agreed with him. "Nonsense! I love your story. Its not very sad. Its romantic. And who gives a fuck about it being about two guys-" "Language!" I said. She just waved me off. "and the teacher said your parents love story so that's what I'm going to write. Let her give me a bad grade. I don't care, now get going with the story." she ordered.

"Fine" I sighed. " I entered the house, dropp-" I was starting the story when Kara interrupted me. "Ive heard that part billions of times. Get on with the real part. After that." I rolled my eyes. "You seem a bit bossy today." she smiled. "I had sugar for breakfast now come on start." she begged. I looked over at Liam and he shrugged. I smiled and looked back at Kara. She smiled and I opened my mouth as I began to tell my, no OUR story....


"You don't care. No one does" I said still on his back. "Yeah I do." he replied. "No and why are you willing to help me?" No one has done that before. "Cause you look like you needed help. No one at this age should be going through what you have gone through." he simply stated. "How many minutes left till we get there? My butt is falling asleep." I complained. He spank my butt. "HEY!!!" All he did was laugh at me. "Don't worry its around the corner." Thank god.

He put me down as we entered a very fancy building. "Wow how can you afford this?" this was a huge place for fancy people. "My uncle Simon owns it, come on. " we walked into the elevator. He pressed '23' and up we went at high speed. The doors opened and we walked down the hallway where he stood at the door with the number 23C. He pulled out a key with a Toy Story key-chain. "Toy Story?" he shrugged. "Its a classic." he opened the door and I walked in. One word. Wow.

"Welcome to your new home Zayn!"

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