H E A R T - B R E A K

23 5 1

"Shattered to a million pieces.
Scattered in a million streets.
The farther you go, the more I craved.
The ache in my shattered heart, would lead to my grave.

Your images clutters in my mind, like the sound of a thousand breaking glass.
As I try to catch up to you, the deeper I fall into nothingness.
The moon can't comfort me, neither can the sun heal me.
The bright sky had now grew dark in anger.

Everything has forsaken me.
Even the trees didn't sway.

As I heard your footsteps fade through the door, my soul became an empty vessel.
Vulnerability, emptiness, inferiority was all I felt.

Sometimes I wonder if love is really a GIFT OR A CURSE"

© Bossbaby ✍️
™ Bossbaby Writes

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