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Numbers 576

The van came to a stop. A muscular arm yanked me out.

I was a bit dizzy from whatever they had given me.

I was pushed down unto a wooden surface and tied up before the smelly mask was pulled off my face.

The room was dark.

I was cold and scared.

A light bulb hung weakly from the ceiling giving a faint glow. A poor excuse of lighting that was mocking a young terrified girl.

I heard footfalls on the wooden floor.

They are rushing into the room.

I miss mummy.

I want to go home...

"She's awake sir!" A deep voice called out.

Another deep voice hummed in reply.

I can't see their faces. I'm still lying on the floor...


The room was immediately filled with light.

So bright!

I blinked my eyes severally to adjust to the lighting.

"Hello!" A voice called from above my head making me squeak in surprise.

Black shoes.... New ones too

"Lift her up!" The shoes walked away.

I was picked up and dumped on a wooden chair.


"Welcome to the shadows. You may not know why you're here,but you are now one of us. We saw potential in you,that is why you are here."

I looked up to see a tall man with dark hair and very pale skin. He was in a suit. So were the others...

I opened my mouth to speak but he raised a finger.

That instantly shut me up.

Mummy always says to not talk while elders are talking.

"From now on,you are number 576. You are to obey every rules,no questions asked." He paused.

" Any questions?" He continued.

He just said no questions!

"No. Good. You're a smart one." He nodded.

He stood up,dusted his trousers.

"They would put you through." He pointed at the other men in black suits.

" And once again, welcome 576. I'm Joe Blac. You can call me Blac."


" Joe Black speaking."

" Oh my God! Please, give me back my daughter. I promise to get your money. Please! "

" Hello to you too... If I recall..., correct me if I am wrong, the agreement was for you to pay back your loan by the end of the year and that was... Oh, two months ago! Wow, how generous of me!"

" I'm sorry, please. I'll do anything just please give me my daughter."

" Good bye."

Word count

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