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Tzuyu's Pov

      One week has passed, my unnies never leave me when we are outside and Taehyung oppa always with me. He is not going out when it is not important, since that incident happen pdnim give us more security to avoid that something will happen again.

     " Tzuyu I will be going out later, don't open the door wait for my call before you open." Taehyung oppa

    The more he cares the more I break the barriers which I create to stop my feelings to him. Whatever I do to avoid, something is pushing me to develop more feelings to him. I hate myself. Why did I fell to that person when he had already a woman. Every night he is always on his phone talking to someone, I think his girlfriend but why did he remind me the contract that we shouldn't have boyfriend/girlfriend is he exempted.


    He prepared himself, he looks so handsome as always. Whoever his children will be lucky to have handsome father.

   " I'll go, don't go out without someone to accompany you." He said and he left.

      I'm bored, I open the tv to watch some drama but still I don't have someone to talk to. When I hear my phone rings, I was happy....... it is Eun woo oppa... I am happy to know him because when he hear the incident he always text and call me to be safe and he always ask me if I can be his girlfriend. I don't know how to answer that, I mean it is not my first time to be asked by someone but he feels different. Why do this handsome people like me, first Sehun oppa the visual of EXO and now Cha Eun Woo oppa the face genius. Even do people keep telling that I'm beautiful when I'm with this people I lose confidence.

    Eun woo insisted on coming, I feel bored but I can't go out that's why he will be coming. I prepare some foods for us to eat when he arrive we will be having movie marathon.

    I also tell the address to him and request that he should call me when his is already at the front door. Taehyung oppa tell this to me for safety..

   "Hello Tzuyu I'm already here." I run at the door when he call...

   " Hi beautiful lady can I come in?"
he joke he is carrying a plastic.... he brings some finger foods for us to eat when we are watching.

   " Of course handsome man, you are welcome"

   We got close because of Dahyun unnie, she keep on teasing us..

      " Where did Taehyung sunbaenim go?"

   " He didn't tell me... but I know it is something important."

  Eunwoo oppa knows that we are living together, he didn't like the idea at first but then he accept because he can't do anything.

  " Let's start the movie oppa."

" Okay.... no shouting later you requested this movie."
We will be watching a horror movie, I don't I just got the feeling to watch it because I'm with someone I can't watch this alone.

  " Sure oppa.." I confidently said

The movie started with an eerie sound there are space between me and oppa.

Kim Taehyung's Pov

     When I got a call from Jennie, yes Jennie from Blackpink she is my new girl that we should hangout because it's been a week since we didn't see each other. I can't leave Tzuyu alone since that incident, I am worried that someone will do that again to her.

  I drive my car to her condominium she will be busy next week for their new song.

  She offer a drinks, which I gladly accept because I miss the taste of alcohol.

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