Chapter 10

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     You flailed your arms around in a desperate attempt to stay afloat after Rin had thrown you into the pool.

     'This is it for me,' you thought. 'Goodbye, cruel world....'

      It was then you realized that the pool wasn't that deep, and that you could stand in it. You stood there, embarrassed. Too embarrassed you couldn't even bring yourself to come out.

      "Hey, you okay there?" Rin laughed. He took off his shirt and jumped in, doing a perfect dive. It was then you realized you were wearing your WHITE school dress shirt.

     "Aaah!!!!! Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!" You squealed, making your way to the pool's edge. However, running in water is hard so you found yourself going SUPER slow.

     "And where do you think you're going?" Rin called, swimming up to you and turning you to face him. However, once he did his face turned a bright crimson as he released you.

  "Heh, whoops..." He nervously chuckled as you trudged to the pool's edge.

      ~time skip~

     When the guys came to pick you up, they found you sitting at the edge of the pool, your feet in the water. You were dry now, and were wearing shorts and Rin's Samezuka jacket. Rin was nowhere to be found.

     *Makoto's POV*

     When we came into the pool room, Rin wasn't there. (Y/n) was sitting there, dangling her legs into the pool. Haru wasn't with us, and I don't like to remember why...

     *Flashback Time*

     As we were leaving Samezuka, Haru was scowling in Rin's direction.

     "Haruka- Senpai? Are you okay?" Rei asked.

     I looked at Haru, and he glanced back at me, signaling he didn't want to talk.

     "I think he's fine," I said to Rei. He looked at me, concern still clouding his face. He was going to protest, but Nagisa whispering something in his ear that made him blush made him real quiet after that.

     "Makoto," Haru called to me after a while. I turned around.

     "Hm?" I asked. He looked me full in the eye. He looked so serious, and opened his mouth to say something. Then, he hesitated.

     "Nevermind." He said, eyes glued to the ground.

     "Let's go then," I said, smiling. "We're gonna go get some Mackerel for dinner!"

     That was when I knew something was wrong.

     "No thanks," he said. "I'm going home."

    We all watched in shock as Haru walked away.

   "H-haru-Chan.... You never turn down Mackerel..." Nagisa mumbled.

     *Back to Makoto's POV again XD*


     "Hm? Where's Haru?" (Y/n) asked, swishing her legs around.

     "Eheh, he's not feeling very well. Did Rin teach you how to swim?" I asked.

     As soon as I mentioned Rin, (y/n)'s face turned crimson and she looked away.

     "L-lets just go," she said, and stood up. She quickly dried her legs and she practically dragged me out.



Decisions: A Haru x Rin x Makoto x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now