Chapter 8: This is gonna be awkward

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     The next day you nervously stepped into the classroom. You really didn't wanna see Haru because of what happened yesterday.

     'Relax (y/n),' you thought. 'It's gonna be fine, no one's gonna say anything, ok....its gonna be OKKK....' You sighed and sat down. Class went on as usual, and at lunch you had face your fears when Gou dragged you up to the roof to eat with them.

     Fortunatley, Haru didn't say anything about yesterday, and you soon forgot about it. He seemed to smile when you talked to him, and you came to enjoy his company. However, at one point he did ask you to join the swim club, which reminded you about that weird incident. Blushing, you replied.

     "S-swim club? Oh, I, um... I'm not really that good of a swimmer...." You trailed off, looking down. He looked into your (eye/color) eyes, and smiled softly ( Is that even possible?!? ).

     "I'll teach you." He said firmly. At that point Nagisa gasped.

     "But Haru-Chan, you suck at teaching! She'll drown with you at her side!" He laughed. Haru only glared at him. Rei smiled, and hurridley whispered something to the guys. When they finished, all of them were smiling, except Haru. After school they pulled you into a car and started driving somewhere. When you asked where they were gonna take you, they replied with,

     "We're gonna go see Rin".

     Ooh, cliffhanger (Not really Lol) Sorry, I know I was supposed to update yesterday, but school n' stuff, ya know?
But don't worry, I promise to keep writing this. That is again for voting and reading, I'm also still working on my AoT/SnK and my Black Butler fanfic.. Well, see ya next time! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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