chapter 9

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To be honest I never thought Amiya would find out about me selling drugs, she shouldn't trip about me selling drugs because it got us living in a big house out here in Los Angeles, and she gets to spend all the money she wants. Although, it would be nice for me to be able to selling I can't because I have bills to pay,even though I'm putting my life on the line.

I've been blowing Mya phone up since she left this morning and didn't tell me where she was going, since she wasn't answering her phone I tracked her number and seen she was at Briana's, remind you Amiya's pregnant.

I went to do my hygiene and settled on a white polo shirt, all black true's,all white forces,and my gold chain. When I got done getting dressed I grabbed the keys to my truck and drove to bri house. When I got there I called her as I sat in the drive way.

"Hello, come outside". I said
"Why? All you going to do is answer my question with a question back". She said
"Bruhh.just come outside so we can talk this out,no yelling, cursing, or arguing none of that. Just come outside so we can get this over with" I said

Amiya's POV

After I got off the phone with Ray I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes, walking outside the house to his truck to talk, when I got to the truck I got in.

"Talk."I said

"I only sold drugs to help us pay our bills since we put our careers on hold, and because we weren't getting payed while we were on hold I had to go make some easy cash."he said

"But that doesn't mean you can just go and sell drugs putting your life on the line knowing that we need you"I said

"Alright well, I will be able to stop soon just not right now. Not until I get my career back started and I get payed for it." Ray said

"Bye. Because I'm not going to deal with you if you are still selling drugs. Even though, you have Imani, and a child soon to be here in some months."


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