Chapter 90

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I walked up to the door, and the eye scanner came out. 

"Scarlett Edwards confirmed."

The door lit up green and opened. I stepped inside, the familiar smell of computers welcoming me with warm arms. I felt all the stress leave me, and I walked to the door that led to the house. Before I could grab the knob, the door was yanked open, and someone bumped into me. 

"Oops, sorry. I was jus-" 

The light turned on, and Levi gasped, blinking multiple times, mouth hanging open. "Scarlett? Wha- how?" he stammered, walking to me slowly. I gave him a soft smile, and he wrapped me in a huge hug, and I welcomed it. 

"Hi Levi," I said his name softly, and he pulled back, eyes still wide in shock. 

"It's been so long. I never stopped looking for you. I kept looking, and the computer is still going right now, trying to find you. I have so many questions, but I know you must be tired, so I'll let you rest, but everyone will be so happy to see you. Killian," he paused, looking over his shoulder. "Killian took it the hardest. He probably won't admit it, but he did." He lowered his voice while saying that last part. I chuckled at how extra he was. I missed his positivity so much, it was so refreshing. 

"Thank you, Levi. I am definitely tired, and I'll answer all of your questions when I wake up." I smiled and gave him another hug before walking into the house. It was dark, but there was enough light from the small lights around the house for me to find my way upstairs. When I entered my room, I could've cried from the familiar scent and the dark colors. I tossed my bag to the side and dressed own into my own clothes, inhaling my own scent. I was home. 

I got in bed, and I laid on my back for a little while before turning on my side. It was hard for me to fall asleep. Images of my mom getting shot by Chase kept filling my head every time I closed my eyes. At one point, I didn't realize I closed my eyes, and I was shifting in bed, eyes squeezing so tightly, it hurt. Someone started shaking me, and I shot up in bed, reaching for a weapon. 

"Hey, hey, it's me." A familiar voice spoke, and my eyes flitted to the figure standing over my bed. My eyes adjusted to the dark, and my breath caught in my throat when I realized it was Killian. I reached up a shaky hand, placing it on his cheek. His warmth spread through my palm, and he closed his eyes, pressing his hand on top of mine, and turned his face into my palm, kissing it. 

"Killian," I whispered his name, all of my emotions coming back full force, and tears streamed down my face. Killian opened his eyes and got in my bed, wrapping his arms around me. I immediately leaned into him, turning my face to his bare chest, letting my tears fall. I was really home. 

"I missed you, darling. I missed you so much." Killian whispered over my head, pulling me closer to him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was going to take you. I should've listened to you when you told me it was probably a trap. I should've just fucking listened." He cursed, and I pulled back, placing a hand on his cheek. 

"Hey, it's not your fault, so don't blame yourself, and I hope you haven't been blaming yourself. This is all on Archer and Chase. Especially Chase." I said his name with so much venom, Killian tilted his head, brows scrunched. 

"What did Chase do?" he asked softly, eyes searching mine. I shook my head, turning out of his arms. 

"I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe tomorrow." I responded, voice almost inaudible. He seemed to hear me and nodded, pulling me back into his arms. I welcomed his embrace and leaned into him, closing my eyes. I listened to his heartbeat, counting each time his heart pumped until I fell asleep in his arms. 

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