Chapter 19

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Carrow wouldn't stop looking at me. I was back in my seat in the back of the classroom, trying to concentrate on what Killian was saying, but he was distracting me. From the corner of my eyes, I watched him lean closer to me.

"What's wrong with your neck?" he whispered, glancing around the room before looking back at me. I was slyly covering my neck with my hand, or so I thought. 

"There's nothing wrong with my neck." I whispered back through gritted teeth. Why did I have to involve him in this? I shook my head. I wish I would've kept all of this to myself. 

He didn't say anything else to me for the rest of the time in class. At least, I didn't think he did. I honestly tuned everything else out because I was so busy thinking about what Killian said about trusting him.

Why would I trust him? Is he saying he actually had a valid reason for tying me up in that closet and kidnapping Dilan? There was no way. My brain was overloaded, so I pulled out my journal.

Journal Entry #13

Everything is so chaotic right now. I haven't been in class for days and today is my first day back. My first day facing Killian since that crazy night and I already couldn't resist him. What is wrong with me? I need to get laid now, or I'm gonna go completely insane. Maybe Carrow is a nice placeholder? But then again, he's the one who made sure nothing happened between us with all of that wanting to get to know each other crap. Plus, he probably thinks I'm insane, which, I actually don't blame him. 

Killian passed out a pop quiz that I'm not even going to take because I already know I will fail it. After he passed it around, he asked me to meet him in the office and long story short I did and we ended up making out instead of me getting answers. Shaking my head. Oh also, he left a fucking mark on my neck. A mark! Now I have to cover it and Carrow's nosy ass is wondering why I have my hand glued to my neck. He would definitely hate me if I told him the real reason, and I really needed an ally right now.

Anyway, this is just a little update and honestly a mind dump because my brain is going absolutely insane right now. I'll try to update later, we'll see what happens with Killian and if I actually get any information.


Scarlett Edwards

"Be sure to do the reading because we will be discussing it the next time we meet. You're dismissed." 

I slammed my journal shut, paying attention just in time to hear Killian announce something about a reading. What reading? Did I miss him talking about it? Everyone else was muttering to themselves as they gathered their books and backpacks and I scrambled when I realized class was over. 

I just decided that I wasn't going to any of my other classes today. Since Killian wouldn't give me any answers, I'll just get them myself. I was really good at that. 

Swinging my backpack over my shoulder, I hurried past a group of slow walking students. I didn't want Killian to see me and try to stop me. 


Shit. I kept walking, head down.

"Scarlett, I think Professor Arnault is calling for you." Carrow's annoying voice filled the air. I stopped walking, gritting my teeth. Heat rose inside of me and I wanted to snap his neck. I slowly turned, my glare fierce as I locked eyes with Carrow. His eyes widened and he took a step back. 

"Scarlett, I need to speak with you privately." Killian spoke in a low tone, which for some reason pissed me off even more. 

"No." I was still glaring at Carrow as I answered and his mouth parted, eyes flitting to Killian and then back to me. Killian cleared his throat. I looked around the room, seeing that there was no one else here anymore besides myself, Carrow, and Killian. 

"Carrow, please leave the room so I can speak with Scarlett alone."

"Carrow, if you leave this room, I will chop all of your hair off in your sleep." I threatened through clenched teeth and his hand went up to his hair, eyes widening even more. I finally looked at Killian, who was staring at me through narrowed eyes. My eyes challenged him, and I knew that pissed him off. 

"Um, I don't know what to do here." Carrow whispered, fidgeting as he looked back and forth between the two of us. 

"You know what, come with me Carrow. We're leaving." I gestured to him and started walking toward the door.

"Scarlett, if you walk out that door, I'm failing you." Killian threatened me and I had to laugh. I didn't give a rats ass about school.

"Fail me then, Killian." I glanced over my shoulder, locking eyes with him. Then I flicked him off and walked out the door. As soon as I was out of the classroom, my heart started beating a million miles an hour. 

"Holy shit, I can't believe you just spoke to Professor Arnault like that! What is the deal between you two? And you called him by his first name! Crazy shit." Carrow started chatting right away the moment he caught up to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I already told you what the deal is, but you didn't believe me."  I was at my car and I glanced at him, and his mouth was agape. 

"Wait, you were serious about that? No way." he scoffed, shaking his head. I opened my car door, throwing my backpack in the passengers seat before sitting at the wheel. Going through my phone, I looked for where I stored Killian's address. 

Found it.

I typed the address in my car GPS and Carrow was still standing by my open door. 

"Yes, I was serious. Why are you still by my car?" I asked him, making sure I clicked on the fastest route. 

"Um, what are you up to? You look like you're about to do something malicious." he chuckled nervously, and I turned, looking up at him. 

"I'm about to break into Killian Arnault's house. Again." 

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