Chapter 1: Arrival

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 Marick's POV:
I drove into town of Briarwood and stopped at a big tree as I parked the bike and looked around. "Wow, nice city." I said as Zen-Aku appeared next to the tree in his spirit form and agreed with my statement. "Yes, this place has a unique appeal to it. Yet, I feel a strange power at work in this place." Zen-Aku said, I felt it as well, "I know what you mean. I can feel the power as well." I said. I saw the place I was looking for and smiled, "The Rockporium. Nice." I said as I walked in and was met with a guy with blonde hair wearing a bucket on his head with multiple boxes in front of the door. "I say there my good fellow. You're standing in my moat. You will most likely be attacked by a saltwater Crocodile." He said, "Not likely. Animals love me." I simply said as I tried to find the owner of this place. I saw a girl with a pink streak in her hair at a DJ set up playing some music and I smiled. 'Not bad.' I thought, a guy walked over to me and smiled, "Hi, name's Xander. Can I help you with something?" Xander asked, "I'm looking for the manager." I said, "Ah, you're looking for Tobey. Hey boss, someone is here to see you." Xander called out as the one in question walked out of his office and saw me. "You must be Marick. I'm Tobey, I see you already met Xander. Come with me and we can start the interview." Tobey said as we went into his office for my interview.

Xander's POV:
Okay, this is weird. This Marick guy is the second new guy to come to town this week. "Hey, Xander. What's wrong?" Nick asked as the others walked over, "I think we're getting a new employee." I said, "Seriously? Who is it?" Vida asked, "A guy with a weird looking jacket. It had a lot of symbols on it like animal symbols. And what looked like a wolf on the front of his jacket." I said, "I saw that guy. I said the same thing I did to Nick, but I changed it to Saltwater Crocodile and he said that animals love him." Chip said as he took the bucket off his head. "I saw him as well. He seems like he's from out of town." Maddy said. The doors to Tobey's office open and both Tobey and the new guy came out, "Ah, good you're all still here. Everyone meet your new staff member, Marick Enrilé Evans. He comes from Turtle Cove, and he is staying with his great aunt while he is here. Now, I'll be in my office, taking a nap." Tobey said as he went into his office for his nap.

Third Person POV:
Marick looked at his new coworkers and clapped his hands, "So, what do I start on?" he asked, "Sorry, um, you're working here?" Maddison asked, "Yeah, I found an ad online asking for employees. Said something about the others leaving for personal reasons." Marick said and the five people in front of him went wide eyed. "Um, well, we just have a study group session when we have something to study up on." Vida said and Marick saw the look in her eyes and knew they were hiding something, 'You'd know about that.' Zen-Aku said to Marick inside his head, Marick then heard beeping and saw his coworkers pull out strange phones. "Um, we have to go. It's that study session we told you about. These phones are a part of it, we'll be back in a little while." Nick said as he and the four others ran out of the store. Marick smirked and walked towards the back room and grabbed his helmet and gloves. Marick went to his bike and revved the engine as his gold and black growl phone glowed and the animal spirits within him began to stir. "Time to make the new rangers aware of us." Marick said as he drove his motorcycle as he had drove through an ally and traded places with Zen-Aku and the bike changed to that of a wolf. "Rangers of Briarwood, prepare to meet the Lunar Wolf." Zen-Aku said as he drove his wolfcycle.

In the woods of Briarwood...
Vida's POV:
My friends and I were at the woods trying to find the source of the magical disturbance that Udonna detected from Rootcore. "This is where Udonna said the disturbance was centered. But I don't see anything." I said as we continued searching the area. That's when the Hideaks attacked us, "Here's the welcome wagon. Where's the boss?" Chip asked. That's when Korrag appeared with a silver wolf monster by his side. "Rangers meet my new colleague. She is of the most powerful warriors I have ever encountered." Korrag said as the silver wolf demon smirked and we continued to fight the Hideaks. Once they were dealt with, we were about to morph when we were struck down by the silver wolf demon. "Time to be destroyed." She said as she raised her weapon and was about to deal the final blow when a flute was heard playing some kind of music.

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