Name: Vera "Ivy" Kipp
Nicknames: "Ivy" by her mother, father and her little brother.
Face Claim: Rania Benchegra
Age: 19
Birthday: April 27th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
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Mother: Isadora "Dora" Kipp - a loving, stereotypical housewife and mother of three children. Married to the owner of a resturaunt with very good income. After her husband was diagnosed with Huntington's Disease, she took control of the resturaunt, and has been taking care of him snd their children since.
Father: Rory Kipp - formerly a hard-working family man, he rapidly degenerated after being diagnosed with Huntington's Disease and, though still loving, has become easygoing and wise
Siblings: Riley Kipp - a very happy and optimistic 15 year old boy. He's rather innocent and sweet, and is already making a name in high school as a great sports player - he may or msy not be a wolf, unclear so far.
Love Interest: Currently engaged to a fellow pack member, Casey Deere, who will not be put in this book. He is also 19 years old, and they were getting ready to have a family soon enough. But, Casey turned out to have been cheating with another women at the reservation after imprinting, and they split up. She still has feelings for Casey, but is very bitter as well. (the next chapter of the book will include Casey's imprint!)
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They are very similar to Seth and Leah, but there are distinct differences such as they are more influential in the plot (more so in the beginning than anything).