Boyd's hurt

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Stiles POV:
I wake up alone and hear voices. I follow them into the living room and see everyone having a pack meeting without me. I admit I am a little hurt. Derek sees me and what I'm wearing and takes his shirt off and puts it over my head.
"So what's up" I say making myself a coffee. They all stayed silent. I narrowed my eyes at them.
"It's nothing Stiles just go back to bed" Derek said. I put my coffee cup down and try and look Derek in the eyes but he wouldn't.
"Derek Hale you tell me now" I say sternly. His eyes flashed with something that I couldn't read. He pushed it back and sighed.
"There is another pack on beacon hills and they've challenged us to what's basically a territory war" he said.
"Ok so what are we gonna do" I say sitting down on the sofa.
"Your not gonna do anything I need you to stay home so you don't get hurt" Derek said looking me in my eyes making sure I understood.
"What If one of you gets hurt badly" I say looking around the pack worriedly. Derek pulls me onto his lap.
"It's not going to happen but if one of them gets hurt then you'll be right here to nurse them back to heal" Derek said. I just sighed and kissed his neck. He then stood up and the pack all said goodbye to me, Lydia and Danny. I pull Derek into a passionate kiss. I pull away and lean my forehead against his.
"I love you keep them stay safe and protect our pups" I say.
"I love you too I'll protect them" he said and kissed my forehead and then they left.
"Well let's watch a film" I say turning to Danny and Lydia. Half way through the film Lydia pauses the movie.
"Ok I've noticed this in some situations before but I've never mentioned it. Has Derek been acting more child- like at all" Lydia asks. I think about all the times he talked like a baby when he refused to get out of bed or when he needed my attention. I have a feeling I know what it is but I don't want to say anything until I'm absolutely sure.
"No not at all he's the same old Derek to me" I say shrugging. She nods and turns the movie back on. Once the movie finishes we were about to turn another one on when we see Scott rush in with a sad look on his face.
"What's wrong what happened is everyone ok where's Derek" I ask him quickly.
"Derek will be here in a minute no ones died but it's Boyd he's hurt bad" Scott said. My face pales I quickly get the first aid kit and make space for him on the sofa. Derek then comes in and I freeze when I see Boyd's wounds. He has claw marks across his chest. Derek quickly puts him down.
"Stiles" Derek said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug him off and cut Boyd's shirt open. I then use some wipes to wipe the blood around his cuts off. I then begin to sow them up knowing that he needs this so he can actually heal. I then but bandages over the wounds so that they won't get infected. Once I'm done I notice that the pack had gone him. I grab all the dirty supplies and throw stuff in the bin and clean the others. I then put them all back into my first aid kit and put it on the side. I then look around for Derek and see that he's sat on the sofa looking at me.
"What happened?" I demand staying where I am.
"We were outnumbered and Boyd decided he could take on two. I tried to get over there Stiles believe me I did but every time I tried someone else would come." He pleaded.
"One of our pups is hurt Derek" I say quite harshly. I see him flinch but I'm too angry to care. I start to pace frustrated with Derek for letting one of our pups be hurt.
"Stiles I didn't mean for this to happen trust me I want them to be safe just as much as woo do" Derek whimpers. I notice his speech going child like but chose to say nothing knowing that if I address it now I might scare him. I sigh and sit down on the floor and just watch Boyd.
"Go to bed Derek" I say hoping he'd listen. He does as I say and I smile at that. I stay up to watch Boyd, but half way through the night I hear Derek get up and trudge into the living room.
"Stiles please come to bed I had a nightmare" he said with tears streaming down his face. I immediately jump up and realise I took it too far. I quickly wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. I then grab his hands and leads him to the bedroom. He then lays on the bed while waiting for me to strip down. I then get in bed next to him and he immediately shoved his head into my neck inhaling my scent. I wrap my arms around him.
"It's ok baby I got you, I'll protect you. I love you" I say kissing his forehead and running my fingers through his hair.
"I wuv wu too" he said sleepily making me smile. We both then fell asleep wrapped in each other's loving embrace.

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