The Pizzeria.

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Today was the first day at your new job, this job seemed promising. What could go wrong with the night shift while watching animatronics?

You opened the door to the pizzeria, squeaking loudly as it scraped across the old tiled black and white floor. You walked in, closing the door behind you.
"Ah, Y/N. Lovely to meet you."
You quickly turned around to see a tall, slender man with pale skin, messy chestnut brown hair and soulless eyes tower over you with his hand stuck out invitingly. You quickly met your hand with his, it was ice cold. His body felt as lifeless as his grey eyes did.
"L-lovely to meet you! I didn't expect you to be here already haha, you are..?" You smiled.
"William Afton, Mr. Afton, whatever you would like to call me Darling." He said curling his lip, his tone was calm and the words came out as smooth as butter.
"Ah, lovely to meet you William. So.. you are founder of this pizzeria?" You said looking wearily around the room.
"Yes..with another good friend of my mine. Let's start with the tour, shall we dear?" He smiled.

He started slowly walking down the left hallway with his hands in his front pockets, you followed him shortly behind. The place rieked of mold and grease, the air was almost humid. William suddenly stopped in his pace and swivelled to you, your eyes meeting almost instantly.
"Right Y/N, let's get something straight.-" He said walking closer to you, your back hitting the wall. "-don't touch the animatronics, do not mess around with them and do not go searching around in that backroom. Do you understand?" Smiling, he stood back.
"Uh- yes. I understand Mr.Afton." Scratching your head, you pulled a smile. You both walk into the office, where you will be for the next 6 hours, the cold breeze of the flowing fan hitting your sweaty skin.
"So, This is where your next shifts will be taking place. Press this button to close and open the door, press the button below to turn the door light on and off. Now, the cameras." He smiled as he picked up the old tablet, a loud white noise radiating from the tablet. While showing you how to use the cameras, you couldn't help but notice how handsome William was, you couldn't stop admiring his smooth skin. His facial features were so strong, amazing jawline.
"Y/N? Were you listening? Darling, please focus."
He frowned while waving his hand in front of your face, his long fingers slowly gliding with the motion.
"Right! Yes I understand.. sorry I got distracted. Apologies, Mr. Afton." You blush, you felt your face go even redder.

You'd stare into his eyes, his soulless grey eyes were intriguing. What were they hiding? You couldn't help yourself but study his face. He'd smirk at you, his smirk being almost romantic. You carried on walking with him around the building, William telling you about the history of certain areas or posters. You reach the backroom. You walk in before him, hearing him squeakily lock the door; you quickly spin around. He gives you a supportive smile, you smile and turn back around. He guided you around the backroom and where they store certain things. You reach the door again, William steps in front of you and smirks. He pushes you against the wall beside the door, his cold hand slowly and softly caressing your face. You felt his other hand slowly slide up your side, pinning your hands to the wall aggressively.
"Mr. Afton~.." you quietly moan as he begins to carefully kiss your neck.

He suddenly stopped and stared into your eyes and whispered into your ear,
"You would do.. anything.. for me. Wouldnt you Y/N?" smirking he started fondling with the buttons on your white shirt. He undid the first button, you blushed violently.
"Oh, Mr.Afton of course I would.."
You both stared at eachother, his soft cold lips met with yours, engaging in a rather long kiss.
"William!! I was supposed to be meeting them!!"
An unfamiliar voice echoed through the pizzeria, bouncing off all the empty space.
William sighed, letting go of the firm grasp on your wrists. He unlocked the door and darted out the room, signaling with his hands to follow. You walked out of the room to see a rather short, plump man. His eyes as green as emeralds, his hair a bright ginger. His square glasses sat slanted on his nose, occasionally pushing them up.
"Oh I'm so sorry about that Y/N. I'm Henry Emily, lovely to meet you!"
his warm smile lit up his face, making you want to smile. You shook hands with him, his hands were very warm and soft, his fingers almost like miniature sausages.
"Lovely to meet you Henry! So.. you must be William's best friend?"
You noticed Henry's smile fade a bit as you said best friend.
"U-Uh..right! Yes! Best friend.." Henry stuttered, he turned to william and gave him a certain look of disgust. Pointing to William you said,
"William just gave me a tour of the place, and some other things too."
He smirked as he winked at you.
"Alright, good. Have you got everything you need sweetheart? We have got some spare things in the back if you need them! Please, do help yourself!" Henry put his hands on your shoulders while giving you a caring smile, his green eyes glistening in the light.
"Oh I'm fine Henry.. do not stress about it. I've got your guys's numbers just in case."
He stood back smiling and let out a relieving sigh.
"Alright, great!! Uhm.. you wouldnt mind checking if that mouse trap in the kitchen caught anything would you? I just want to quickly tell William something." He glared at william before pointing to the kitchen with a warming smile, you nod and trot on over to the kitchen. You push the dusty, heavy metal door open, scraping loudly against the floor and shut it behind you.
alright the mouse trap.. oh! it caught a little mouse. poor bugger.
you picked it up by the tail and quickly put it in the bin. The kitchen was very dark, you could see the amount of dust floating around in the areas which were dimly lit up, all this dust made you feel disgusting and dart for the door.
You quietly pulled the metal door, trying not to alarm them.
William was pushing henry against the wall aggressively, his hand slowly sliding down to his trousers button. The light caught Henry's glasses which were now on the floor. You quickly dart over, pulling William away.
"Oh, Y/N. Jealous? I know we didn't finish what happened in that backroom but I think we could wait. Henry promised me he would fuck me." Henry squinted at you with confusion.
You gripped harder and yanked William back, he didn't budge.
"William! Get off of Henry! Just do this later!" William stood back, glaring at you.
"You will regret this Y/N." He curled his lip as he walked for the door, William smirked at you before slamming the door behind him. Henry suddenly fell to the floor and held his head in his hands, sobbing violently. You quickly put your arm around him and held him close, his warm tears staining your shoulder.
"Oh Henry.. this isn't your fault." You patted his back.
"I try to make him happy.. but the only way he wants that is to have sex..I dont want that. but I always have to do what William wants..oh Y/N I'm so sorry about all of this.." his eyes slowly met yours, his tears flowing faster by the second. You quickly grabbed his glasses and carefully placed them back on his face, he smiled shakily.

His phone suddenly lit up, it was a text from William. Henry sighed as he shakily unlocked his phone. He read the text aloud: "You freaking (Henry did not want to curse.) wimp. You promised and all I get is a freaking snog? Might as well let Y/N have fun with you instead, you'd probably enjoy yourself more with the way that you act like I'm oh so bad! I'll be waiting for your arrival Henry."
You quickly put your hand on Henry's shoulder, he was shaking.
"Henry, do not listen to him..please. If fun makes you feel better, look I dont mind-"
He looked at you shocked.
"No no, Y/N. I don't think we should do it here of all places either.. I'm sorry. I could never cheat on William.. even if he does with you like mentioned earlier..  I could never and I forgive him. He was right, I did promise and you are very beautiful. This is my fault but I hope you had fun I guess.." Sniffling, he wiped his tears.

You stared at him, not knowing what to say.
"I... Henry.. does he do this often?" You softly put your hand on his shoulder.
His head slowly turned away from you, his hair swaying gently with the motion. He sighed loudly before turning back to you, the tears still running down his freckled face. Henry quickly stood up, grabbing his coat which was slumped on the back of a chair. He mumbled something as he fled for the door, "Wait!" you yelled as you darted towards him, tugging at his light brown coat.

He turned his head around quickly to look at you, his face drowned in annoyance. You stared at him for what felt like minutes before you softly placed your hands on his plump cheeks and softly kissed him. His face turning pink almost instantly, you carried on kissing him. His warm, soft hand delicately stroked your cheek before he pushed you away, realising what was happening.
"Y/N!! I.. what are you d-doing??" He looked flustered. You quickly let go of his cheeks which were now raw red.
"U-uh Henry.. I'm sorry.. I just.." You scratched your head as he pecked you softly on the cheek, feeling your face flash red you turn away shyly.
"Listen.. thank you for helping me. Means a lot, but please.. just don't kiss me infront of William. It didn't end well last time.." He turned away from your face, turning his feet the same way as his head and starting slowly walking towards the door. His hair and coat bobbing along with the motion of his movement, it was almost mesmerising. He flung the door open, turning back to you as he did,
"I'll see you later.. perhaps I'll pop in for your first shift to say hi! And to make sure everything is going well." Smiling, he waved at you.
You quickly nodded.
"That would be great.. I hope everything goes okay when you get home.. you have my number if not!! Bye..!"
Waving back, you tilted your head slightly. He nodded as he left and shut the door behind him, the life of the party was gone. The place now felt empty as if though it had been abandoned. You smiled, you thought about what had happened in the backroom as you headed to the door. Opening it, you thought back to Henry.. Why is he with William? He gets treated like shit. His kiss.. his soft lips. You blushed slightly, walking out the building and locking the door.
Maybe ill see them tomorrow.. I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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