Part 13

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"Ugh I'm so bored," I said 

"They should be here soon," Wild Card reassured me 

"That's what you said 5 minutes ago," I whispered

"Patience," He said 

"I'm not patient and you know that," I responded 

"Hey, Wild Card, old buddy. Are you and Winter in the ship's control room yet?" Missy asked 

"Finally," I whispered 

"We sure are. Just like we planned, old buddy," Wild Card answered 

"You were working together?" Ojo asked 

"Suprise! I even sent him on a secret mission. Isn't that right, Wild Card?" Missy asked 

"Yep! And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it," He responded pressing buttons 

"Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked 

"Since the tunnel... when she told me you were an alien spy," Wild Card answered 

"Ojo's an alien spy?" Everyone asked 

"Yep. Ojo's a spy," Missy confirmed

"You knew. How'd you figure it out?" Ojo asked while tentacles came out from her back

"You accidentally gave it away in one of your own drawings. Your art never lies," Missy answered 

"You work for Granada, don't you? or does Granada work for you?" Missy asked 

"They all work for me," Ojo answered while Facemaker ran into the room 

"What the... Ojo's an alien!" He said pointing to her

"We know!" Everyone said 

"And now you can be impressed... and defeated... as soon as we figure out which button removes the shield," Wild Card said pressing some buttons

"Knowing the aliens, it's probably a big button with a picture of a shield on it," Wheels said 

"Oh!" I realized pressing the button 

The shield went down and everyone started cheering but Ojo interrupted  

"I hate to spoil your celebration... but there are two minutes left. The game's not over yet," Ojo said beginning to draw 

(Nobody's Pov)

Winter and Wild Card stared at the children while they fought the monsters that Ojo drew. Until they heard a noise from the door 

"Come on in. It's broken. I mean it's open," Wild Card said

"You had to break the door," Winter said 

"Wild Card, Winter you have to keep those shields down," Missy said from the speaker 

"Don't worry, Missy. We're on it," Wild Card responded 

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, hmm? Turn into a bowling ball? Freeze me?" Miss Granada asked 

"Not a bad idea," Winter answered shrugging 

"Sure...if that's what I want. I can control my powers now and Winter can combine her powers. Working with Missy helped me realize I was so busy trying to prove everyone else wrong when I should have been concentrating on proving myself right and Winter continued to put up with me sticking by my side no matter what. They believed in me. Now I believe in myself," Wild Card said 

"Oh, right. And you think that's enough. Believing in yourself," Miss Granada said mockingly 

"You tell us. Let's do this," Winter replied forming fireballs 

"Let's take them. Attack!" Miss Granada yelled 

Two of the guards ran towards Wild Card while the other two ran to Winter. Winter threw fireballs at the guards but unfortunately, they dodged them. Winter zapped their feet while she took a deep breath and combined her electricity, fire, and ice powers to make an electric burning hot spike of fire and ice.

"Catch!" Winter yelled throwing the spikes making the two guards fall on the floor 

Winter looked over at Wild Card as he took down the final guard 

"And our personal fave...The freeze ray," Winter and Wild Card said together freezing each guard.

"That was fun," Winter said smirking 

"Agreed," Wild Card responded 

(Winter's Pov)

"Woah, look!" I yelled pointing at the monitor 

"What is Missy thinking!" Wild Card yelled looking at Missy walking on a tight rope

"Leading by example," I responded smiling 

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