Chapter Five

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Home was an unwelcome sight as Aerell crested the small hill. The building was rickety with age, the walls battered and sliding out of place. There were holes in some of the walls with dried putty to keep the cold out. The house had been standing for so long, Aerell wasn't sure how many more years of the harsh weather it could withstand.

She stepped into the warmth of the foyer, the stoked fire providing a calming oak scent. Aerell inhaled deeply, accepting the woodsy smell earnestly. Athima was probably waiting in the basement for her, lounging by the furnace.

Before Aerell could move for the basement door, she was intercepted by her drunken father. He stooped against the wall, his wings falling to the floor. The stench of alcohol oozed from his parted lips. "Where have you been?" He slurred. Aerell wondered what had caused him to be in such a state.

     "I forgot to lock up at the shop today, so I went back." The lie came easily. Taman was too drunk to care if it was the truth, he let her pass.

     She went down into the basement, Athima waited for her on the cot. When she noticed Aerell, she jumped up and ran to her sister. "I thought something bad happened to you," Athima said.

"I'm alright," Aerell replied. She wrapped her arms around her sister, feeling safe in the warm embrace. "I just went for a walk." She couldn't bring herself to tell Athima what had happened.

     Athima pulled back, looking down at Aerell with knowing eyes. She knew her sister too well, it was an obvious lie. But Athima let is pass.

     "I should get some sleep," Aerell whispered. She felt tears brimming her eyes and didn't want her sister to worry. "I love you."

     "I love you more," Athima said with a kind smile. She started for the stairs.

     "Not possible," Aerell replied, sharing her sister's smile. When Athima was out of sight, Aerell stripped her clothes and slithered under the covers of her cot. She let the dam holding back her tears break.


Morning came too quickly. It was cold by the time she awoke, the fire having gone out long ago. Aerell wondered what it would feel like to lay in bed all day, not having to do chores, or go to work. The thought was pure bliss. But she had never been allowed to miss a day, why would today be any different?

     Getting out of bed, her body felt sore. Memories from last night stirred and she shoved them away. Later, she would face those thoughts later. Now, she had a job to do.

     After a hot bath, she dressed into thick pants and a sweater, then added her old cloak. Just as before, it didn't provide much warmth. She would need to somehow save enough money to buy a new one. That didn't seem very possible when she wasn't even paid.

That day, Aerell went to work and acted as if nothing had changed, when in fact, so much had. She had a mate. Not only that, he was also part of The High Lord's inner circle. It didn't seem real. She wondered if she'd ever get to see him again.

Aerell stocked shelves at her father's store, her mind going blank as her body worked. It felt nice to be busy so she didn't have to think about that night in the snow. Lars' hands on her body—she shook the thought away.

"Aerell!" She turned, finding her father in the doorframe. He was furious, his face red. There was someone behind him, but she couldn't make them out because of the light pouring in behind them. "I was informed of what happened last night."

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