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I walked the next day out the door to see suna waiting in front of the gate.
He was packed up in a warm looking jacket, a scarf and some gloves his nose was red and I blushed a little.

Why am I blushing? I hope he doesn't see it

I walked towards him and said with a smile
"Hey there bendy what are you doing here?"
He looked up from his phone and said
"Oh hey I was waiting for you because we don't have practice today"
"That is really nice of you but why didn't you text me?"
"I don't have your number"
I laughed and said
"Give me your phone"
He did what I told him to and I saved a new contact

Dwarf :)

"Here now you have it just text me so I can save you to my contacts too"
We walked to our class and sat down.
It was boring but then we had gym class.
I'm not he most athletic but I wouldn't say that I'm bad...

After I changed and went in the gym I already saw some people from my class and the suna appeared
He look really good and his legs and arms were very muscular what I didn't realized before.
I went from normal to a messy blush and looked away.
"Hey are you alright?"
It was definitely suna and I looked up to his wonderful face

Wow he has really pretty green eyes

I shoock my head and said
"Yes I'm fine but thanks for asking"
"I have he feeling that you are most of your time speaking apologizing or thanking"
"Really? I didn't noticed that"
"It's cute"

Suna pov.

I just realized what I just said when (Y/N) started to blush like a tomato.
Now I was blushing too and said
"Ehm sorry I didn't mean to make his uncomfortable for you..."
They started laughing and I knew that they weren't mad at me
"Don't worry about it I said a similar thing to you too."
Yeah I remember when they said that I look good when I'm smiling

"Come here students"
We all walked to our teacher and he said
"You are gonna warm up now and then you go with a partner together and play volleyball"
"Hey dwarf are we gonna pair up?"
"Sure but I can't really play volleyball good so don't expect to much"
They smiled
"It seems like I need to teach you then "
Now I had a little smile on my face too but I let it despair not long after.

I took a ball and throwed it in (Y/N) direction they tried to receive the ball but failed I walked up to them an she said
I hit their soft on her head and said
"Don't apologize so much to me understood?"
"Yeah okay...sorry"
I took their arms and told them how they could get the ball.
With every touch on their skin my heart beats faster.

(Y/N) got the next ball and I always hit it back to them .
After the class they were really proud of theirself and I was happy to see the like that. They are something really special to me even if we first start talking to each other 3 days ago.

I liked their presents around me and how they werent a fan of ours.
They were apologizing much and I don't know what for.

"Do you want to watch the practice today (Y/N)?"
They were thinking and accepted the question with a smile and a nod.

After school atsumu and osamu were waiting outside the classroom for me and they were surprised when I said that (Y/N) is coming to practice too.

The whole way to the gym atsumu talked about how a great couple (Y/N) and me would be.
We just rolled our eyes or said that he is just imagining things that will never happen.
Inside I was a little bit sad when they said we would never be a thing but they were right it would be ridiculous.

During practice they filled up the bottles and brought us the towels.

After training we walked to their house and their mom was welcoming me with a warm smile. When we got into her room they said
"I'm going to change quickly and bring us something to drink. Make yourself at home"
I nodded and they walked out of their room leaving me behind all by myself

Their room was comfortable and I laid my head down on the table and I didn't even remembered when I have fallen asleep

(Y/N) pov.

I went to the kitchen after I changed clothes and made tea for me and suna

He is really pretty and he is also really kind if you know him well. I really like him but he can't be more than my friend because I would feel guilty if I just leave him... for ever

I walked again in my room and saw that suna had fallen asleep I smiled and took my blanket and wrapped it around him.
I started to work and after 2 hours a phone rang.
It was a different tone than my phone had so I looked at his phone 'mom'
I answered the phone and heard a concerned voice

"Honey when are you coming home it's getting late?"
"Hello I'm (Y/N) and I'm rins history partner he fell asleep and I don't want to wake him up. Can he just call you when she wakes up?"
"(Y/N)? Rin told me so much about you and can he stay at your house over the night just tell him that I'm not home tomorrow okay?"
"Sure good night"
"Good night sweetheart"

She hung up and I started to work again after an hour I heard a grumble next to me I looked to the side and saw how suna was opening his eyes slowly
"Did you sleep good?"
"Where am I?"
"You are in my room you fell asleep 3 hours ago."
"Oh I'm sorry"
He stretched and looked at all the different papers I have made for the presentation
"Did you do that all by yourself?"
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
He hit my head softly and I laught
"You looked so peaceful and I didn't want to interrupt your dream"
"Did I say something embarrassing while I was sleeping?"
"You said ' but I really didn't pee in my pants' something like that"
I saw that he blushed out of embarrassing and I laughed
"Your mom said that she isn't home tomorrow and that you can sleep here at my place"
"But I don't have anything to wear"
"I will just get you something from my dad"
I walked quietly in my parents room and get sweatpants and a simple black shirt
"Here you can take a shower if you want to"
He went into the bathroom which was connected with my room and while I was packing all the papers together I heard the water going on I blushed so hard that my face was so hot like fire.

I got quickly up and went to the kitchen my parents were already asleep so I tried to do everything quite.
I cooked some rice and made bowled eggs with some sauce.
After 10 minutes I heard footsteps going down and I felt something heavy on my head and I was sure that it was the head of suna and his calm voice proved me right
"What are you doing I'm hungry..."
"I'm making some rice and you wouldn't be hungry if you just didn't fall asleep"
"Don't be mean to me"
The weight on my head had disappeared and I was feeling a bit sad because I couldn't feel his warm body behind mine and it was a comfortable feeling.
I turned around and saw that suna was setting the table and I smiled.
His hair was still wet but the clothes I gave him fit him.
He looked at me and smiled back.
I was overwhelmed with a feeling of happiness and my whole body was warming up in the cold winter night.

After we ate we went to my room again and suna wanted to lay down in my bed
"Didn't you forget something?"
I asked him
"I'm not sure?"
"Come on you need to dry your hair before you get sick"
"But I'm so sleepy"
"Then I will dry your hair now get up"
He got up in the bathroom with a little mumble
I got through his hair while i was drying it. I knew that i would mess up his usual pretty styled hair but i didn't mind and so didn't he.
After I finished we laid down in my bed and I hugged him.
His muscular arms were now around my hips and I felt really comfortable with him around.

I can't fall in love now...


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