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Suna pov.

The next day I woke up I felt something on top of me. When I opend my eyes I saw (Y/N) sleeping on me.
I looked around me and the others were still sleeping.
Atsumu was sleeping next to me and (Y/N) and his leg was over their body I growled.
I took his leg and pushed it down.
Then I felt (Y/N) a little bit moving and they looked into my eyes
"Hey shorty"
"I'm sorry"
"Huh? Why?"
"I'm sleeping on top of you"
I hugged them and said
"It's fine it was comfortable"
I saw a smile on their face and tgey said
"Yeah it was"
They let the self falling on the floor and stood up
"Nobody is awake yet huh? We have 11am... do you think kita has something against it if I make breakfast?"
They asked me looking down to me because I was still laying down
"No I think he would actually appreciate it"
They nodded and walked away.
I sat up and watched them walk into the kitchen and stood up them myself
"Can I help you?"
I ask when I was standing next to them
"Sure can you cut the vegetables"
I nodded and they gave me the vegetables and a knife.
They took eggs and started to do omelet with the vegetables I cut
After 1 hour the 10 omelets were finished but still nobody was awake
With does word everyone woke up and we gave them there food
"Thds tasd grued"
Osamu said while chewing they smiled and said
"I'm glad you like it"
After we finished them and I were washing the dishes and talked about random stuff

Kita pov.

Suna and (Y/N) were washing the dishes while the others and me just sitting in ge livingroom
"Hey guys do you also think that they are so cute?"
Aran whispered
"I'm telling you people this the whole time but nobody believes me"
Atsumu said
"Do you think one of them is gonna confess to the other one?"
I asked
"Probably not they are both to stupid to just realize that they like each other"
Omimi answered my question
"What are you talking about?"
(Y/N) was standing behind us and looked at us.
"Nothing in particular"
Atsumu said and they looked confused at him
"Okay I just wanna to say that I need to go my mom texted me"
"I'm gonna take them home"
Suna told us and atsumu raised and lowered his eyebrows
"I didn't now you were such a gentleman suna"
"Shut up dude"
He just said and (Y/N) said
"Okay we are going now see you guys in school next week"
We all said goodbye and they left

(Y/N) pov.

Suna and I left kitas place and started to walking
"Do you wanna come over to my place?"
He asked me
"Yea sure why not"
I texted my mom that I'm going to suna's place and she responded just with a simple 'okay but don't come home to late'
While we were walking he said
"My mom and my sister are home so I hope you dont mind"
I smiled and said
"I don't mind at all it's nice to meet your familie"
"If you think so but I'm already now sorry about them"
He sight and I smiled
"I'm sure that they aren't that bad and I already know your sister so it's fine"

After 10 minutes we were standing in front of the door and he ringed the doorbell
A pretty woman with dark brown hair and big green eyes opens the door
"Hello honey and who are you sweety?"
"I'm (Y/N) I was rin's project partner"
"Oh I remember rin is telling much about you"
I smiled at him and saw that his cheeks were slightly pink
"Please come in"
She said and letting us in in the kitchen we sit down and his mom asked
"Do you want a tea sweetheart?"
"Yeah sure that would be great"
I accept her offer
"Mom you can't just call them sweetheart you don't even know them"
"But look how cute they are. Is it a problem for you if I call you sweetheart?"
She looked at me with her big eyes and I shoock my head
"No I have nothing against it"
"See honey?"
She turned around again and made tea
Than the boy to me whispered
"Are you really okay with that?"
I nodded and smiled at him
His mother sit down in front of me and gave me the tea cup
"Thank you"
"So sweety how long do you know two each other?"
"Mom I told you since 2 weeks"
The boy next to me answered
"I didn't mean that. I mean how long have you two been in a class?"
I thought and said then
"We are in the same class since 2 year middle school"
Both of them looked at me with wide opend eyes and his mom stood up and walked to a bookshelf.
She pulld out a picture album and laid it down on the table and than she opend it
After a while she turned the book to us and I looked at it it was a it and recognized that it was the class picture of 2 year middle school
"So sho are you?"
"I'm this person"
I put my finger down on my past self and I didn't anything like that anymore.
"You are never the same person"
Rin said
"Oh yeah I am"
"You look so mature now sweetheart"
"Thank you mrs. Suna"
I looked at her and asked amused
"Can I look at the other pages?"
"Of course you can!"
"Oh no..."
Suna said I turned the next page and saw a lot of pictures of rintarou and his family
His mother told me to every picture the story and rin was clearly embarrassed by the most stories
His mother also asked me some questions like
'Do you have a boyfriend?
'Have you siblings?"
'What is your favorite food?'
'Did you have your first kiss?'
'What do you like to do?'
And stuff like that is was a warm and loving atmosphere
Every time rin told his mother to stop she just chuckled and told him that there is nothing to be embarrassed of
After 3 hours she started to make lunch and I helped her

After maybe half an hour the door opened and closed and I could hear a man voice
"I'm home family"
"Welcome back my love"
The man came into the kitchen and kissed rin's mother so I guessed it would be his dad and I was right
"Hey dad"
"Why didn't you tell me that you are gonna bring your boy/girlfriend today?"
"First they are nonbinary so please use they and second they aren't my partner"
"oh I'm sorry and that is to sad. You two would be a great couple"
"Don't say something like that!"
"Food is ready"
His mom interrupted the two and I was glad because it would probably be really embarrassing
"Rin go and tell your sister she needs to come eat with us"
He slowly walked up the stairs and I looked at his father
"Hello I'm (Y/N) it's nice to meet you"
I reached my hand out to him and the accepted it with a smile
"It's nice to meet you too. And just under us rin has got a big crush on you"
He last part he whispered in my ear and I blushed

No... I can't fall in love with him even if I wanted to

"Oh rin you didn't tell me your lover is here"
"Guys they are NOT my lover!"
He looked angry at his family and his sister just said while she was sitting down
"Not yet"
He sight and also sat down.
We were all.eating together and I told them more about my life and they told me more stories of suna and his sister.
They were both really embarrassed by the things their parents told me and I just laughed at there expressions.
After lunch suna said
"We are going up to my room"
"Okay have fun"
His dad said and his mom added
"But not to much fun!"
I blushed and the just growled when we sat down on his floor the said with his calm voice
"I'm really sorry about all of that what just happened it was so embarrassing"
"It was you're right but you have nice parents so I didn't mind at all"
"It's nice that you say that but you wasn't in my position. My mom told you how I was vomiting in first class because I drank to much milk"
I started to laugh and said
"That was a funny story"
He growled and I just needed to laugh even more
He looked at me and I saw a slight rose flush over his face and he looked at me with a smile.


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