Sharifa The Gerudo Chief

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   My tired gaze falls upon my new child, it looks just like its father. My husbands name was Killian he was a kind and handsome man, he had skin that was pale and shiny like a opal, he had dark blond hair like gold, and violet colored eyes. I on the other hand am not as beautiful as the other women in my village, I have dull colored rosewood hair, my skin is a chestnut color, and eyes the color of a emerald. I would always look into the pools of water by my throne and look away with a face of disgust. I choose just to not look at myself anymore. When I look at my new child I see what could be a beautiful, kind soul. Is it wrong to feel jealous of a child, especially my own child. I curse myself I curse it because of these stupid traditions. Even though my name means strong it does not mean I can always be the strong chief that everyone wants.

Bennu, my second in command and best friend when needed comes running in to my room cutting through my chain of thought. "What is it Bennu?" I asked concerned "M-my Chief-" I cut her off "
I told you to call me Sharifa when we are alone, please." I ask sounding a little hurt "Sharifa, My Chief it is your child. It is a boy." She quiets as she looks at my expressionless face. Unknowingly a tear rolls down my face and drops on to my thigh. "M-my Chief- Sharifa please don't cry, you know we're not as barbaric as we were hundreds of years ago." "I know it is not about my child being a boy, it is about how proud Killian would have been for having a boy he always said he wanted one, but now he has one that he will never get to see." I sob softly "P-please leave Bennu, I do not want you to see me like this." Yes, my Chief." I watch her walk away with my glassy gaze.
(Time Skip)
I walk into the special chamber for the made for the Chiefs child.The little crib made of wood and cloth, the crib held my child in a blanket the color of pale ivory. My child has skin the color of the sand. The child has hair the same gold color as Killians. I gently grab hold of my child, I cradle him slowly rocking him from side to side. He looks up at me and opens his eyes, the child's eyes are so beautiful the color of polished sapphires. The child even though he is new to this world I can feel that he knows of his destiny, he is strong he will be a hero. A hero named Link.

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Hope you enjoyed, and hopeful this meme made you happy like Narancia. 🍊

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