Radha Sahastranaam

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When I think of writing this book , based on the glories of Srimati Radharani , Radha Sahastraanaam , the 1000 names of Radherani have to be included . They describe the virtues of srimati Radharani . Hereby in this chapter I am including Sri Radha Sahastranaam 💗🙏

Texts 1 and 2

sri-parvaty uvaca

deva-deva jagannatha
yady asti mayi karunyam
mayi yady asti te daya

yad yat tvaya pragaditam
tat sarvam me srutam prabho
guhyad guhyataram yat tu
yat te manasi kasite

Sri Parvati said: O lord of lords, O master of the universe, O master kind to your devotees, if you are kind to me, if you have mercy for me, then, O lord, please tell me all you have heard, the most secret of secrets in your effulgent heart.

Texts 3 and 4

tvaya na gaditam yat tu
yasmai kasmai kadacana
tan mam kathaya devesa
sahasram nama cottamam

sri-radhaya maha-devya
gopya bhakti-prasadhanam
brahmanda-kartri hartri sa
katham gopitvam agata

O lord of lords, the transcendental thousand names of Goddess Sri Radha-gopi, which inspire pure devotional service, and which you have never told anyone, please tell to me. Why is the Goddess, who creates and destroys the universes, a gopi?

Text 5

sri-mahadeva uvaca

srnu devi vicitrartham
katham papa-haram subham
nasti janmani karmani
tasya nunam mahesvari

Lord Siva said: O goddess, O queen, please hear this auspicious and very wonderful truth, which destroys sins: For Her their are neither births nor material activities.

Text 6

yada haris caritrani
kurute karya-gocarat
tada vidhatr-rupani

When Lord Hari, out of a sense of duty, performs activities (in the material world), she, desiring to be near Him, assumes many different forms.

Text 7

tasya gopitva-bhavasya
karanam gaditam pura
idanim srnu devesi
namnam caiva sahasrakam

I have already explained why She is a gopi. O goddess, now please hear Her thousand names.

Text 8

yan maya kathitam naiva
tantresv api kadapi na
tava snehat pravaksyami
bhaktya dharyam mumuksubhih

What I have never spoken in the Tantras and what they who yearn for liberation cherish, out of love for you, I will now speak.

Text 9

mama prana-sama vidya
bhavyate me tv ahar-nisam
srnusva girije nityam
pathasva ca yatha-mati

Day and night this knowledge is as dear to me as life. O daughter of the mountain king, please hear and regularly chant (these thousand names) as far as you are able.

Text 10

yasyah prasadat krsnas tu
golokesah parah prabhuh
asya nama-sahasrasya
rsir narada eva ca

By Her kindness Krsna, the master of Goloka, is the Supreme Master. Narada is the sage of Her thousand holy names.

Text 11

devi radha para prokta
om sri-radha radhika krsna-
vallabha krsna-samyuta

Radha, who grants the four goals of life, is said to be the Supreme Goddess. (Her thousand names follow.)

Om. She is Lord Krsna's greatest worshiper (sri-radha and radhika), Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna-vallabha), and Lord Krsna's constant companion (krsna-samyuta).

Text 12

vrndavanesvari krsna-
priya madana-mohini
srimati krsna-kanta ca

She is the queen of Vrndavana (vrndavanesvari), the beloved of Lord Krsna (krsna-priya), more charming than Kamadeva (madana-mohini), beautiful (srimati), Lord Krsna's beloved (krsna-kanta), and the giver of bliss to Lord Krsna (krsnananda-pradayini).

Text 13

yasasvini yasogamya
damodara-priya gopi
gopananda-kari tatha

She is famous (yasasvini and yasogamya), the beloved of Yasoda's son (yasodananana-vallabha), dear to Lord Damodara (damodara-priya), a cowherd girl (gopi), and the giver of happiness to the gopas (gopananda-kari).

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