Where she is mentioned

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There are many people who consider Radharani as fake as she is not mentioned in some scriptures . I am dedicating this chapter to small parts of the scriptures glorifying Radharani

From the Rk-parisistha:

"Srimati Radharani is always to be found with Sri Krsna, and Madhava is always to be seen with Radhika. One is never without the other's company."

From the Gopalottara-tapani:

"She is the embodiment of maha-bhava, or the highest transcendental ecstasy, and none of the other gopis, or cowherd damsels of Vrndavana, possesses Her excellent qualities. Radharani is therefore known as the most famous Gandharva."

In the Padma Purana Narada Muni describes Srimati Radharani:

"As much as Srimati Radhika is dear to Lord Krsna, Her pond Radha-kunda is as beloved to Him. Among all the gopis Srimati Radharani is most dear to Krsna.

From the Ujjvala-nilamani of Srila Rupa Goswami

"The principal characteristics of Srimati Radharani, the Queen of Vrndavan, are that She is charming, ever-youthful, has roving eyes, and ever-sparkling smile, a body marked with all auspicious lines, Her fragrance drives Krsna mad with desire. She is an exponent of fine music, has sharp intelligence, is dextrous, shy, respectable, patient, grave, playful, eager to display the highest ecstasy of maha-bhava, that She is the primary source of supreme spiritual love, the most famous, the object of attraction for Her elders, that She is controlled by the love of Her girlfriends, the principal of Krsna's many loves, and She has Him always under Her control."

Rupa Goswami prays to Srimati Radharani in his Catu-puspanjalih [Stavamala] as follows:

"O Queen of Vrndavana, Sri Radha, I worship You. Your fair complexion is more resplendent than molten gold, the color of Your sari the hue of a blue lotus flower. Your beautiful braided hair is long and raven-black, its coiffure studded with many brilliant gems, like the shining black hood of a cobra.

"Even the beautiful lotus in full bloom or the rising full moon offers no comparison to Your breathtaking face, for it is much more exquisite. Your shining forehead is marked by a tidy saffron tilaka.

"The arches of Your elegant eyebrows put to shame Cupid's bow. Your cascading black tresses sway, and the dark mascara on Your roving eyes makes them look like restless black partridges.

"Your fine nose is decorated by a ring studded with the noblest pearl, and Your lips are more charming than bright red tulips. Your sparkling, even teeth are like rows of spotlessly white jasmine buds.

"The golden earrings that dangle gracefully from Your ears like a pair of Laburnum flowers are inlaid with many precious gems. The gentle cleft of Your delicate chin is decorated with a dot of musk, and an intricately bejewelled necklace sparkles on You with regal splendor.

"Your nicely formed arms are like lotus stems, adorned with fine and precious gems, and the two armlets inlaid with blue sapphires softly jingle with Your slightest movements, pleasing all ears with their sweet music.

"Your hands are beautiful and soft, like the lotus, and Your fingers are decorated with rings mounted with precious jewels. Your breasts are adorned with a large necklace finely set with stones and gems.

""The central jewel of Your regal necklace sits atop a line of dark gems that grow gradually larger in size. One could mistake it for a black snake carrying a gem on its hood. You are slender around the waist, and Your belly is concave because it must carry the burdon of Your full breasts. It is marked by three lines like entwining creepers.

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