||The Beginning!

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At M.A.T.A. Academy, 12:30 p.m.

Author's pov~

It's the start of summer, the vacation season.

Everyone enjoy this season because of the vacations,

But there aren't any vacations for crimes.

They are still taking place in this prominent city of Cyberaya.

But if there are villains, there are heroes as well!

M.A.T.A. that is, Meta Advance Tactical Agency, is here with it's skillful and efficient Agents to protect Cyberaya as heroes!

Now let's see what's happening in our M.A.T.A. Academy.


" NO!! I AM SORRY!!!"

What happened here you may ask. 

Well...... let's just say that this morning, Chris and Jet planned to pull a prank on Roza by stealing and hiding her 'Deluxe edition Bubblugum' at the Cafeteria, and when Roza came out of her dorm to find the culprit, she found Bulat, Mika, Moon, and Khai munching on 'her' Deluxe edition Bubblegum.

At first, she thought that the 4 have stolen her last 4 bubblegums but when Khai said that it was Jet who hid the bubblegum in the freezer and ran away and the 4 took the bubblegum thinking Agent Geetha kept it for them, she lost it.

And that's how our 'Miss. Never touch my bubblegums' is running behind the countryside blonde with her   'Indai sniper gun'.

And if you are wondering where Jet is, let's just say he purposefully went out to help Ali, Iman, and Agent Geetha with some work so that Roza won't be able to do anything. How non-ironic.

Now back to the scene.

" CHRIS IT IS THE LAST WARNING!! GET BACK HERE!!" Roza yelled chasing Chris as she shot another sniper shot. 

Chris barely dodged it and ran straight towards the Living room(am I correct?) cursing his Best friend mentally,

' Jet...I will see you later!!'

When he reached the room, he saw that Alicia who was about to walk towards the sofa with a book.

He quickly rushed towards her and hid behind her.

" Eh? Chris!! what are you doing!!!!" Alicia asked as her face turned red from anger. 

"  ALICIA MOVE!! TODAY HE IS SO DEAD!!" Roza yelled as anger burned in her eyes.

"Hehe... I already said sorry!!! We made a mistake!! Forgive us and let go!!" Chris said from behind Alicia.

Alicia sighed and closed her book with a *thud*

"May I know what he did Roza?" Alicia asked keeping her hands on her hip.

Roza lowered her gun but continues glaring daggers at the blonde.

"What he did?! One. he and Jet stole my Deluxe edition bubblegum and hid it in the cafeteria freezer! two. because of that, Bulat, Khai, Mika, and Moon ate those bubblegums! three. after knowing that I am 'hunting down' for the two, Jet ran away to help Agent Geetha purposefully so that I won't do anything to him! four. Now I am chasing this blonde behind you! and five. Those 4 bubblegum were the last in my stock and the next delivery is 2 days later!!!" Roza finished blabbering, leaving a bored Alicia.

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