|| Mysterious boy...

482 19 112

At an unknown destination on earth~

Adudu's pov~

I was with my newly made friend in his secret base's control room, sitting beside him.

We replayed the video recording of those kids fighting us again and again which is pissing me off.

"Why are you playing the recording again and again?!? to make fun of me by showing how they defeated me?!" I asked in an irritated voice.

"Oh my friend... I would never make fun of you. And I am replaying this recording so that I can keenly acknowledge every move and action of these kids." 'he' said from behind his mask.

I huffed and looked back at the screen

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I huffed and looked back at the screen.

"Mr.Boss! Sir!" Probe came shouting from outside.

"What is it, Probe?" 

"Mr.Boss! Sir! your new minions are here!" Probe exclaimed happily.

I smirked as two shadows appeared behind him.

"Ohohohohoho! Welcome... 

Seis and Siete..." My friend said welcoming as two human boys emerged from the shadows.

One was all green and black dressed and the other was magenta and black dressed.

" Thank you for recruiting us Sir..." The green one said bowing.

"Yes! And now we can have an act of nice revenge on that M.A.T.A.! Especially that Rudy and Ali!!" The Magenta one said.

"Isshh.. you are noisy!" I claimed and glared at him.

"And you must be Mr.Boss! Sorry for not greeting you earlier!" The green one apologized while bowing to me.

I smirked and sat like a king.

"Ha! it's fine! as long as you both don't make me angry... you are safe from me!" I said pridefully.

"Yes Mr.Boss!  And we also brought some allies with us!" The Magenta one said.


Two people emerged from behind them.

A big man and a young lady.

" I am Cinco. And this is Trez. We too want to get recruited in your army to destruct M.A.T.A. and it's every agent." Lad- I mean Cinco said.

My friend chuckled and welcomed them to the army.

"And now... as you are all the soldiers of my army... I want you all to go to the Ancient Battlefield and warn those agents that they have to get ready to be destructed and crushed down..." My friend said.

"And you must also take my weapons and devices to threaten them." I commanded.

" We will do as you two say."Cinco bowed and walked out with the others.

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