Book 61

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Name of Book: Allie upside down

Author: Cosmicsweetheart


My names Allie Heath and I haven't had the easiest life. I've switched more schools than you can imagine. My parents relationship is terrible and nothing seems to ever be in my favor. The only thing good about my life is my best friends Cassie and Alice. My life would fall apart without them. They've always been there for me.Then there was the fight and Tommy was the cause of it all. You know that one guy every time you look at him everything lights up. Well that's how I felt about Tommy. I was madly in love with him but didn't have the guts to tell him. Then one night he opened up to me about how he felt and immediately we were like two love birds. It was perfect until he told me that he didn't want her to be friends with Cassie. I loved tommy and was so blinded by him I broke all ties with Cassie and Alice. The. Things happened, I felt unloved, I learned I was an unloved misfit. Exactly what he told me I wasn't because he loved me. I couldn't believe I lost my best friends so he could make me feel like crap. That day I went and talked to Cassie and I me and my sisters were together again. I broke up with jerk face and decided to to focus on living my life to the fullest. Everything was great for a couple months then I got the call. My parents had been busted for meth. I had no idea, I was shocked. I just broke down I told Cassie and Alice thru the tears and they just sat there comforting me. That's when Tommy re-entered my life God I had no clue that this was going to happen. I was supposed to go to college in New York with Cassie and Alice. We were going to live in a tiny shoe box apartment together. Why did my life have to be this way. It was supposed to be happily ever after. But instead I ended up with Allie upside down.

Status: On-going

Okay so I figured that not only "known" books will be published but also "unknown" books.

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