Chapter 7- What a Day

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~Deku's POV~

I woke up to see All Might! "Young Midoriya! I'm happy to see you are well!" he said with his brilliant bright smile.  He was in his muscle form but Kacchan and I knew that he wouldn't be able to hold it for long. He'd retired but he still wanted to come and see how he could help.

"All Might!" I was so excited that I didn't know what to say. 

Soon after I woke up, I was discharged from the hospital. Most of my bones where healed but I did have a couple of scrathes on my upper body. "Take it easy!" the doctor said before we left. Kacchan walked me and my Mom out. Mom would be going back to Musutafu soon so I had to spend as much time with her as possible. "Mom would you like to go to the café down the street?" I asked. "That would be lovely, Izuku" she responded. 

Kacchan just walked behind us as he dragged his feet and put his hands in the pockets of his joggers. We got there and my Mom sat on the opposite side of me and Kacchan. I ordered us all some breakfast and we started talking. "Izuku you should have seen him..." she began, "he looked like a lost puppy the whole time you were in hospital and he he didn't want to ever leave your side even for a second." 

I looked to my right and Kacchan's face was bright red. 'He looks so cute...' I thought as I stared at him. "What" he said. "Something on my face?!"

"Nothing at all" I responded. We finished our food and where planning on going down to the beach when my Mom's phone started ringing. The call lasted for about five minutes, "Ok, I'll do it right this second" she said before ending the call. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to go do some work" she said sadly. "But maybe we can spend all day tomorrow together, so why don't the two of you go enjoy yourselves on my behalf?"

"Ok Mom, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" I said as I hugged her and gave a kiss on the cheek. 

She then went over to Kacchan to give him a hug. I was somewhat confused when he didn't push her away. 

~Bakugo's POV~

Izuku's Mom can over and hugged me. 'If I want Deku to forgive me...the least I could do is be nice to his Mom' I thought. I hugged her back. "Take care of my baby, ok?" she whispered. "I will" I whispered back. And with that she left the two of us. 

"So what should we do?" I asked him loudly. He didn't say anything, he just stood there staring into space. 

I waved my hand in front of his face. He pursued his lips and leaned forward like he was going to kiss air but I moved hand. "You dang nerd! What was that about?!" I shouted. He just looked at me. A tear ran down his cheek as his face was bright pink from sheer embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry" he mutters. "It's fine" I said. The sun was setting and it was late and since didn't have any ideas of where we should go so we decided to go home. Deku went to take a shower while I made some food. I set the Katsudon I'd made on the TV stand so that we could eat while we watched something. He came and sat on the couch leaving a gap in between us. He didn't even look at me. "You remembered my favourite food? Thank you" he mumbled. His face was still bright pink. He took his bowl and started eating. He looked so happy as he stuffed his face. I started eating as I moved closer to him. He still didn't look at me. "Ok, what's up?" I asked at last. 

"Nothing..." he mumbled.

"Tell the truth."

"I just feel really dumb and embarrassed" he said.

"Because of earlier, right?"


"Well don't worry about it, it wasn't that bad" I said as I put my arm around him. His face was scarlet. We both finished our food and then went to brush our teeth before coming back to the sofa. I  put a fantasy horror movie on. "Ready?" I asked as the movie started. "Yeah" Deku said as he switched of the light.

After half the movie was over, I turned to look at Deku and he looked terrified out of his mind so I paused the movie. "Oi, what's wrong?" that came out softer than I'd expected. "I'm just a bit scared that's all" he told me as he looked me in the eyes. 'He's fought tons of villains and a bit of blood and guts makes him scared?' 

"Do you need a hug or something?" I asked him. I couldn't look at him so I looked at the wall. 

~Deku's POV~ 

'Well that was unexpected' I thought. I moved closer to him. I put my arms around him and laid my head on his shoulder He put his arm behind my head "Do you still want to watch this?" he asked. I nodded my head. I just wanted to cuddle with Kacchan for a little longer. He unpaused the movie and we went back to watching it. Neither of us said anything. We just sat and enjoyed each others company. At the end there was a scene of the two main characters kissing at their wedding after a time skip from when they beat the villain. I looked up and Kacchan was looking at me lovingly I looked into his sparkling red eye and then closed my eyes, I slowly leaned in. Our lips touched and he kissed me back! It was short and passionate. "I-" I began. 

"You're really cute

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"You're really cute..." he mumbled quietly. "I like you Deku!" he whispered into my ear.  I was stunned. "You're kidding?" I asked as I tilted my head. "NO!" he stated. I came closer to him and whispered in his ear. "Is it ok if I kiss you again?" 

He nodded and I kissed him on the cheek. "I've liked you for so long..." I whispered. "Goodnight Kacchan" I said as I walked to my room. 

I closed my door and plopped face first onto my bed. "OH MY GOSH!" I screamed into my pillow. 'I feel really embarrassed...I kissed him and he kissed me back...and it was really amazing.' I couldn't process what had just happened. 'I should sleep but what a day...'  I got into my blankets and huddled up, I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

How'd you guys like this chapter? I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! How's been your day? Mine was alright! As always feel free to vent in the comments is you want to and any constructive criticism would be appreciated😋😁

(I changed a little part at the end on March 8 2021)

I'm back in school after a short break and I have a bunch of work so I don't think I'll update until I'm done most of the work. I hope you understand😔😓😴BUT don't worry I'll still update pretty constantly<3

I don't own the pictures but here is where I got them from:

All Might-

For the kissing picture I Googled- bakugo and deku kissing wholesome (😂🤣)

Credit to the original artists!🤩🤗😁🎨

Time: I don't know once again(ノへ ̄、) I'll do better next time!

Words: 1294

Thank you for reading, I pray that everyone's being safe and staying home! God bless you and enjoy your morning/afternoon/ or evening!

See y'all next time😌😎

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