Corrupted Positivity

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For a long time, those who have knowledge of the multiverse have lived in constant fear because of two specific individuals, Nightmare and Error. There was a time when these two monsters fought each other due to their clashing ideals and goals, but over time they learned that the only winners of their futile fights were their true enemies, so a deal was made. Error would only destroy the universes that weighed in the balance towards the side of positivity while Nightmare would help him in the process as well as offer him special treatment and protection. And with this alliance, an era of chaos and fear began in the multiverse.

The first of the duo was responsible for frequently attacking AU's together with his group of mad Sans, due to these attacks a countless number of lives were lost. But those who perished could be considered the lucky ones since Nightmare tortured physically, mentally and mainly emotionally all the survivors, creating a dystopia with a single purpose, to increase his power with all the negativity generated in these alternative universes. With the help of his subordinates who gained control of the negative universes and with the attacks of the destroyer that eliminated the positive ones, Nightmare's power grew by the day.

As for Error, although he was not as sadistic as the guardian of negativity, still managed to outdo his companion in brutality by causing the complete destruction of the positive AU's that had the misfortune of obtaining the presence of the destroyer. All the alternate universes were just dirty glitches that didn't deserve to exist in the eyes of the Destroyer, but even Error himself, who was famous for his great stubbornness, had to admit that due to the King of Nightmares help, his job became much more easier. Some of his opponents, especially one in question, had always been his main source of annoyance when doing his job, but this problem was considerably diminished once the alliance was formed. The multiverse became a emptier place with each attack by the destroyer.

Although there was a resistance that always clashed with the most feared duo in the multiverse, still Nightmare and Error managed to create a realm of terror in which the mere mention of their names was enough to scare off much of the population. However, nowadays in the base of the main group responsible for the opposition against the terrible duo, those who were known as Star Sanses, the atmosphere was of joy. Something that many already believed to be impossible had happened, the main culprit for most of the suffering that exists in the alternate universes no longer existed, Nightmare was killed.

Error was alive and apparently extremely angry at the loss of the King of Nightmares, his mood could be represented with a large number of AU's that were frequently being erased from existence due to his fit of rage. The trio of manic Sans now had no leader and their whereabouts were unknown, some claimed to have seen them in certain universes, but on checking such places only traces of dust and blood could be found while the culprits were nowhere to be found.

But even in such a situation the multiverse got a chance, at least for a single night, to celebrate the fall of the tyrant who had taken so many innocent lives. The news spread like wildfire and so, for a few hours at least, everyone involved in the mission that resulted in Nightmare's defeat had forgotten all their troubles and focused exclusively on celebrating their victory. All except just one monster in question.

In the middle of the hall filled with joy with several monsters and even some humans laughing, drinking and having fun in the middle of the celebration of their new triumph, a figure with a depressed expression could be seen standing apart from the others. Dream, guardian of positivity and twin brother of Nightmare, brother of the very reason the whole party is happening, was currently huddled in a corner of the hall lost in his own thoughts.

Not only because he was someone famous, but also because he was the only one whose behavior differed from the others, everyone in the place noticed the way Dream was acting. Despite everything, Nightmare was still his family, his only family, and while some could still imagine how he was feeling and just avoided him out of respect for his grief, others however did not share this empathy and just ignored him because they thought it was totally pointless to feel sorry for someone as horrible as the guardian of negativity, regardless of whether he was one of Dream's family or not. Soon those who followed this line of thought avoided him because they had no interest in the family drama, but even these people preferred to remain silent and not speak their thoughts out loud out of respect for the guardian who played an important role in the mission that took Nightmare's life. But still, there was someone who cared and decided to check how Dream was dealing with the loss.

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