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i am now here standing in front of bang pd who is now sitting at his chair and looking at me intensely "you break up with your currently girlfriend?" i can only nod by his saying

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i am now here standing in front of bang pd who is now sitting at his chair and looking at me intensely "you break up with your currently girlfriend?" i can only nod by his saying.

he sigh "why did you decide to public you relationship to her if you will just breaking up?" i lifted my head when i heard his words, his correct, i don't even know if im sure for my decision that time.

"i don't love her, i love lisa" i caught him releasing his glasses and sigh "okay, beside i support you with lisa" my lips lifted for what i heard.

bang pd did not react when i admit my relationship with lisa that time, but when he know the truth, even though he didn't said that he's disappointed, i feel it, he's very disappointed.

"don't waste you're time taehyung, go and chase her" my smiled even more visible then nod my head happily like a want to jump joyfully, i immediately left the office after i bowed as i sigh of respect to bang pd.

i take my mask in my pocket then i wore it plus taking my car keys. i growled annoyingly when the elevator is not working. i glanced at my watch then sigh.

i decided to get off the elevator then down on the stairs instead, i speed up my movement because i really want to see lisa now, i will do all to make her believe and trust me again.

when i am now in the downstairs i run until i reach my car, i immediately get in and quickly drive my car, i speed up my car at the point that i almost crashed by many cars but it's not a big deal for me.

for the sake of he girl i want, i will sacrifice my life for lisa, just make her happy. because if im not her happiness, better i die tho.

because lisa is my life.

when blackpink's dorm shadow caught my sight, i chukle then speed up my car, im so desperate right now.

when im finally here, i stop my car excitedly then walk to blackpink's dorm, i sigh roughly before i knock. but i gasp when jisoo noona open it "don't hope that i will let you meet lisa" i look down at her words.

she's not my noona i know before. but it's my fault why she changed, i failed her, she trust me but i wasted it.

i always asking them before if loving someone is mistake, but i make jisoo noona more angry, she said that loving someone is not a mistake, but playing or using someone is a big mistake.

just like what i did to lisa before.

i look down then lifted it again to look at her rudely eyes "just let me talk to her, noona" i pleaded, "taehyung?" we both look at the back seeing jennie there, she look at me then turn to jisoo noona.

then me again.

"let him, let them talk unnie" jisoo stared at jennie, i broke the awkwardnes by clearing my thoughts "i really want to talk to her right now, please allow me jisoo" i even connected my two hands sign that i am now begging.

her aura didn't change, she's still cold. luckily jennie approached to her then pat her back, i glanced at jennie then i caught her mouthed "go on"

i smiled then immediately search for lisa's whereabouts. it took for a moment before i see her with hoseok hyung.

come'on taehyung, this is not the time to jealous stupid.

i approached to them. hoseok hyung notice my present, but lisa just continue to laugh. when she laugh more, i feel my heart being tight.

i can't make her laugh like that, i just can make her sad.

i just stared at them. hoseok hyung excuse himself taking a nod by lisa, he approached at me then pat my shoulder.

"you can do it, taehyung"

hoseok hyung whispered before taking his left, i close my eyes then sigh and open it again. but when i open it....

lisa already looking at me.

the next is epilogue.

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