Chapter Thirty-nine

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Valentina stared at the flowers Renata held. For a brief moment, she thought they could be from Juliana, but they were just... too much. Juliana would never do that.

"Did you have a good weekend or what?" Renata asked. "This looks like a thank-you gift to me."

"Very funny. No, I have not seen or spoken to Caroline."

"Then I guess you're right," Renata said. "She doesn't give up. Where would you like them?"

Valentina motioned to the sideboard behind her. "I think this bouquet is even larger than the one she had delivered to my house last week," she said.

"Are you going to call her this time?" Renata asked as she handed her the card.

Can't wait to see you. Caroline.

"Seeing as how we're supposed to go out Saturday night... I suppose I should." She held the card up. "Doesn't this seem odd though? She has not called or made any attempt to see me. Yet she has sent me flowers twice."

"Maybe she's giving you some space."

Valentina shook her head. "One thing I've learned about Caroline, she's only concerned about herself. I'm sure it didn't even faze her when I told her I didn't want to date her. She's used to getting whatever and whoever she wants." She tossed the card on her desk. "My guess is, she's making her secretary send these."

"Well, they are pretty, I'll give her that."

Valentina's gaze landed on them. Yes, they were. Beautiful, in fact. But they were only flowers, nothing more. They conjured up no romantic feelings in her whatsoever. And as soon as the damn CPA banquet was over, she would tell Caroline in no uncertain terms that she was not, and would not, date her. The fact that she was using Caroline for her own means was not lost on her. She did feel a twinge of guilt about that, but it disappeared quickly. Caroline was looking out for her own interests, and Valentina was doing the same. Caroline was, whether Valentina wanted to admit it or not, quite powerful in the business community. Her name and face were recognised. And if others, like her, thought Caroline's law firm did nothing more than prey on insurance companies, it was overlooked. Everyone knew that Caroline had a handful of successful business clients as well, not only hordes of accident victims hoping to cash in.

And I'm looking to cash in too, she thought. Being president of her professional organisation would no doubt bring in new clients. In fact, Caroline herself could bring her new clients. But Valentina didn't want to play that game. If she was elected president, so be it. If not, she wasn't going to lose any sleep over it.

A quick knock at her door brought her around and she turned, finding Juliana standing there. She smiled at Juliana's, 'Keep Austin Weird' T-shirt.


"Hey yourself."

"Am I interrupting?"

Valentina stood up. "Not at all. Come in."

Juliana's smile faded as her gaze was drawn to the large bouquet of flowers. It was only then that Valentina saw the single rose Juliana held.

"Damn. She sent you more flowers?"

Valentina walked closer to her, taking the rose. She brought it to her nose, inhaling the fragrance. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

Juliana pointed at the bouquet. "No Val, that's beautiful."

"No. That's excessive." She held the rose up. "I like this much better."

Juliana seemed to relax then and her smile returned. Valentina couldn't help herself as she leaned closer, kissing Juliana softly on the mouth.

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