Chapter Forty-one

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"I'm overreacting, aren't I?" Juliana asked while chewing on her thumb nail.

Camz nodded. "Maybe a little."

"It's just... Caroline Joseph is so false." She said, throwing her arms up in frustration. "I don't get it. What does Valentina see in her?"

"I spent quite a bit of time with Caroline when we were designing her house," Camz said. "I know she wanted it to be a showcase more than anything else." She shook her head. "It reminded me of the mansion I used to live in."

"Your ex? Lauren?"

"Yeah." Camz glanced over to the grill where Fer was preparing the steaks they would have for their early dinner. "Caroline reminds me a lot of Lauren. Charming, although there's nothing sincere about her. Everything is for a purpose. Her own purpose. Lauren was an attorney too, you know."

Juliana nodded. "Yeah. But the Valentina I know should see right through that. I can't see her being charmed by that type of person. She told me wasn't even attracted to her, I just don't get it."

"Well, we were only around her at the lake, but she seemed very down to earth. I can't see her enjoying the crowd Caroline hangs out with."

"I know. But that's her type," she said.

"But you two, you're dating. Right?"

Juliana shrugged. "Yeah. I mean, I think so. We go out. We... we sleep together."

"Then I think you're overreacting to this alleged date she has with Caroline. Do you have any reason to think that she would lie to you?"


"So this banquet was planned months ago, I imagine. And months ago, she was dating Caroline. From what you've told us, this is more of a business arrangement than a social date."

"Yeah. I keep telling myself that. Because the thought of her being with Caroline makes me want to vomit! But I keep running into Caroline at Valentina's office, she's always dressed up, asking to take her to lunch. And she had that arrogant smirk on her face as I was leaving." Juliana reached for the beer that Fer offered her. "Thanks." She turned back to Camz. "And Caroline always gets what she wants, or so she told me, in no uncertain terms."

"Yeah," Fer said. "But what do you want?"

"I think we both want the same thing," she answered. "Valentina."

"And probably for two completely different reasons."

Camz leaned across the table and squeezed Juliana's arm affectionately. "How far in are you?"

Juliana smiled. "I'm afraid I might be too far in."

Camz smiled too, slapping her arm. "Good. It's about time you fell in love with someone."

"Yeah. But what if it's the wrong someone?"

"These things have a way of working themselves out." Camz glanced at Fer and smiled. "Don't they, sweetheart?"

Fer nodded. "Yes, they do." Fer looked at Juliana. "I told you about our time in Hawaii and how we were crazy in love. But that morning when Lauren arrived and took Camz away, I was a total mess. I wanted to believe that Camz would see through her façade, but a part of me was terrified she wouldn't." She smiled at Camz. "Unwarranted fear, it turns out."

Camz laughed. "I do believe we had sex on the beach that night."

Fer laughed too and glanced at Juliana, wiggling her eyebrows. "And we're not talking about the drink!"

Juliana held her hands up. "Okay, that's way too much information."

She observed how their eyes still lit up when they looked at each other. And it was with envy that she watched Fer lean over and kiss Camz. These were her two best friends and they were always affectionate with each other. She had been around them for years, but this was the first time that she realised how much she wanted what they had.

Before Valentina came into her life, she hadn't given it much thought. She was content dating college students. They were fun. They weren't looking for anything other than a good time. There were no commitments, no responsibilities. She hadn't considered that she could meet someone completely different and fall head over heels in love.

And she was different. But Valentina was out right now with Caroline Joseph, someone who was not different. Caroline sent her expensive flowers and took her to fancy restaurants. Caroline knew all the right people, said all the right things. The car she drove symbolised her personality and her prominence in the world. A status symbol for all to see.

She supposed the Jeep she drove was a status symbol too. But it  illustrated how completely opposite she and Caroline Joseph were. And in the middle, was Valentina. Juliana had a sudden ache in her chest. Valentina would never choose her. Not over Caroline Joseph. Who would?

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