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Myla Mendez

"What do you mean 'you know'!?" I shout whispered at Enzo as we walked out of the funeral parlor. He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me towards the sleek black car waiting for us.

"Can we have this conversation when we get back to the house? We have a ton of shit to do." I narrowed my eyes at him and through open the car door.

I told my self don't make a scene. Clearly my brain didn't tell the rest of my body that.

I slid into the seat, Enzo followed. No one spoke to us when we left except Maverick. He told us he would have lunch brought to the house, for a small amount of people like my parents requested.

I wasn't really thinking about food though I was more concerned at the fact my parents where apparently alive!

We sat in the car in silence until we where out of the grounds of the graveyard. Enzo pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through it. "Really?" I raised my brow at him. He turned giving me a knowing look and put his phone away.

"I'm sorry, that was rude. It's just...I still running the fucking mafia!" I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. He sighed and I could see his reflection of him running a hand over his face. "Your parents had to disappear for a while until Narco, Francesco and Fabian where found." They are all mafia leaders, but I don't understand why my parents would be on the run from them.

"That doesn't make sense? Why did they tell you and not me?" He chuckled and sat back in the seat. "As smart as you may be love, your mouth is bigger than your brain. You don't think, and you would go blab to someone about your parents-" I slapped him across the face and pressed the intercom button.

"Stop. The. Car." The car hulled to a stop in the middle of the street. With one last slap on the head for Enzo I got out slamming the door behind me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He called as I slammed the door on him. He rolled down the window on both my side and his.

"YOU! Everything is a total backhanded compliment! You don't have anything nice to say about anyone Enzo! Not to mention what you have kept from me! Your a cold hearted...cock sucking...fucking bastard! You selfish son of bitch!" I shouted mid way across the road, earning multiple disapproving looks from street walkers.

I walked into the park facing on to the street that the car had stopped on. The park was filled with mothers out walking with prams, toddlers running about, old people having casual walks. And me, a 22 year old woman, dressed in a formal black dress, Christian Louboutin heels, and an Hermes bag. I scream;

'I need a drink. I have just been to my parents funeral whom are apparently alive.' However I was hoping no one else got that impression.

"Myla!"  Enzo called after me. I continued my stomping motion all the way from the park entrance to...well to the park bench that also sat at the park entrance. Christian Louboutin never thought about when one might be in the situation of trying to escape the man who knew all about her parents faking their own death to go undercover in the mafia.

I held onto the bench and slipped my heels off and carried them in my hand and I continued my walking/limping/why the fuck are my feet so sore? Tears threated my eyes as I made my way through the park. I could hear Enzo following behind me, hence the reason I was keeping my tears at bay. I didn't need him seeing me like this.

I didn't want him to.

For one it's embarrassing and for another, something in me can't bring myself to allow Enzo to ever see me cry. I hate that part of me right now.

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