Chapter 004

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Embarrased, I pushed him away.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I asked, my face was flushed red.

"Shh, I am hiding from people"

"Why? Are you in trouble again?"

"N-no I am just tired, I wanted to take a break."

"Boring, if you're being lazy then don't drag me into this, I am going back." Saying this I got up and was going to go when suddenly he held my hand and pulled me.
"I have something important to ask you about, only you can do it." He said.

Since he said only I could do it... just what is it...

"What is it? say it " I asked him annoyed.

"Can you buy me some strawberry milk? It's been many days since I last drank it. These days to maintain my image, I had to drink black coffee in front of everyone." He said scratching his head.

Irritated I said "don't annoy me about boring things like this!"

"Will running an errand kill you? Cheapo! "

Click, click, click. We heard footsteps coming our way from the hall, but stopped a little further away from us. Two girls were there.

"What did they say over there? They still haven't found Zeng Shu?" Said girl 1

"They didn't find him?" Asked girl 2.

We were both shocked after hearing their voices.
"Hey, quickly squish in a bit more! If I'm caught I'm screwed!" Saying this he was pushing me into the wall.

"Hey, wait!"

"Don't squish in here!"

Our voices are louder than usual, and one of the girls heard us.

"Do you hear some sounds, it sounds like people talking ?"

"I don't hear anything, don't say stuff like that to scare people!"

They said.

We were really close with one another, my head was almost hitting his chest. My heart is so fast. My mind doesn't work. I feel like I can't breathe. I sneaked a peek at him. So close. His low voice. His prominent larynx. His distinguished bones. He's different from when he was young. Just when did this change start.

The girls went away from us.
"Ah... they are finally gone." He said suddenly. "Oh? What's wrong? I feel like you have a fever" touching his head with mine's he said.

Embarrassed I headbutted him.

"O-ow... I'm caring about you but you..."
"My body is very healthy "

"Hey! where are you going? Remember to buy me strawberry milk!"
I ignored him and went away. But I still bought him a strawberry milk, and a Pepsi for me" I drank mine one. Ahh, I feel so refreshed. Ah... just! Even now my heart is continuously beating badomp badomp!

After again remembering the scene it was embarrassing but again this stuff didn't we do it very often. I held both of the cans at each one at my cheeks, to cool myself up. "Ah" why am I so nervous right now...

While I was deep in my thoughts, I didn't realise that Jiang Nan approached me. "Su Yue" she called. I turned to look at her. As usual she is like an angel. So pretty.

"Are you by yourself?" She asked.
"Did you see Zeng Shu? I haven't seen a trace of him since lunch break"

"The clothing department people are all looking at him. I thought that he might have been with you."

"Uh" I hesitated that guy. "Do you know where he is?" She again asked.
"He's... " should I tell her, but he will be in problem again. I saw that time the clothing department girls so clingy. They will not leave him. They are all after his looks.

"I... didn't see him" I said.

"I see, I thought he might have went to find you" "sorry for disturbing"
"Then I'll go look somewhere else, bye Su Yue"
"Bye" And she went away.

Although it's just like helping him lie like usual.

But earlier from that moment.

This uncomfortable feeling of anxiety spread throughout my whole body.

Just what is this emotion.

I really want to know, but I am too scared to know.

What us on the verge of losing...

"Yue" I turned to look who called me. It was MuZhi.

"I was searching for you everywhere"
"You were"
"Yes, and why wouldn't I ? You disappeared into thin air suddenly that time."
"Well, I was too thirsty so I came to buy drinks "
"Ohh, is that so? Or were you with Shu~? "
"What wild thoughts are you having?"
"Nothing just that time, you and Shu disappeared at the same time so, well are you gonna attend the fashion show?"

"What fashion show?" I asked
"It's a fashion show held by the clothing department, will you attend?"
"No, you need to go you have to attend, please for me, please" she said with puppy eyes.
"Ok, ok" I said.
"Ok, I will go and tell Ting Ting about this, bye Yue"
"Bye" after she was gone.I remembered about the strawberry milk. Shu must be waiting for me. I need to go and give this to him. But will he be there still waiting, for me.
I went to the hiding place. He was still there, waiting for me not waiting he is sleeping! I went towards him. He was fast asleep. He looks so cute sleeping. But when awake so annoying. I put the still cold strawberry milk on his cheek. He jolted awake because of the cold can .

"What? Are you trying to freeze me to death? "

"You are not gonna freeze because of a little coldness. You stupid"
"You are stupid not me"
"Do you want me to beat you up?" I threatened him
"N-no, you are good, and intelligent, please spare me" he pleaded.
"Ok, you scaredy cat"
"I'm not a scaredy cat!"
"Yeah, yeah I know "
"Ok now enough of this, I am gonna go to the fashion show"
"Are you attending the show, arranged by the clothing department?" Shu asked
"I have no interest in it, but MuZhi forche me to join, so if I don't go she's gonna be sad.
"Ohh, ok bye".
"Bye" I was going away but I forgot to ask him where the fashion show is being held.
"Hey, Shu do you know where the fashion show is being held? I forgot to ask"
"At the school hall"
"Ok, thanks bye" and I headed towards the school hall.

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Have a wonderful day !


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