Hate is Only the Beginning.

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            As I woke up I looked across the bed. Prim was gone. Of course, today is the reaping. I already know where she is, with mother, my father died 5 years ago. I pull on my boots, my shirt, and a pair of brown jeans. As I put on my hunting jacket I start for the door. Buttercup, my little sisters old cat, is nowhere to be found. 


            I readied my bow. To take down another kill. I release the arrow. I have enough game for my daily runs, so I started for the fence. The fence is supposed to keep us locked up in district 12, but since we never have electricity the fence is never on. 

               When I walk to Hob everyone is already there. I make my daily runs, and leave. As I open the door to my old house in the seam I see Prim crying her eye's out. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "It was you...you...almost...died," she manged to stutter out. "What are you talking about Prim? I've been perfectly fine all morning," I say to her. "No!" she yelled out. I was in shock I have never heard her yell at me before. All I know is that whatever it is it's bad. "You were in The Hunger Games. Peeta, from the bakery, started choking you. Then a boy came up behind Peeta, and yanked him off of you. You to worked together to kill him. Then the music sounded, and a voice said you won. Along with that boy. I think you to were in love," she said to me between her sobs. 

              "Then why are you crying? If I won that's good. Right?" I said to her. "Then you moved to district 2, and never came back for us," she said finnaly returning from her sobbs. "Oh, well I will never let that happen. Now you need to go, and get ready. Today is a big day," I said to her holding back tears. Relizing that she thinks I will leave her is an unbarable thought.


                 When we got to the town square I took Prim to the 12 year old girls area. Then went to my area. Prim's face was still red from this morning. When I looked back to her. She was crying into the girls shoulder next to her. Fighting back the tears was harder than ever. I stood there for a long while. Waiting for it to start. I scan the crowd for Gale, but the only person I could see was Peeta. He looked at me with a ear to ear smile. 

                   A lady with pink hair, a pink skirt, and a pink vest walked up to the mic, and said, "Welcome, welcome. The time has come to select a brave young man, and woman for the honor of representing district 12 in the 74 annual Hunger Games." Then we had to watch a video we watch every year. "Ok. Ladies first," she said in a happy voice. As she walked over to the stage all I could think about was Prim. She opened the card, and read the name I never wanted to hear. Primrose Everdeen. 

                     This was'nt supposed to happen. She was'nt going to be picked. It felt like I was frozen it  time. When I refocused. Prim was about five feet away. I fought through the crowd. "PRIM! PRIM!" I yelled out. Some peacekeepers tried to restrain me, but before Prim got to the stage I yelled, "I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" You could hear that everyone wasn't happy. Prim locked her arms around me, and wouldn't let go. "Prim let go," I said in a firm voice. That only made her hold on tighter. "Prim let go, and go find mom. I will be ok," I said to her. She loosened her grip. "Thank-you," I told her. Then she found mom, and started crying again. 

                    As I walked up to the stage the lady pulled me up. We walked over to the mic, and she asked, "What's your name dear?" "Katniss Everdeen," I said in a strong voice. "Well I bet my hat that was your sister," she said to me. I nodded my head in aggrement not taking my eyes off Prim, and mom. 

              "Now for the boys," she said. She walked over to the ball grabbed a slip of paper, and walked back up to the stage. "The boy is...Peeta Mellark," her voice boomed across the silence. He walked up to the stage, and stood next to me. "Well go on you two, shake hands," she commanded us. I looked into his eye's. They looked the same as when he tossed me the bread for no reason.

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