Chapter 18 Cato!

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Everything hurts. The pain is horrible, but I won't die. Katniss could. Her body is limp in my arms. Her face is pale. "Please don't let her die," I think to myself. Her breathing is shaky and shallow. Her blood is all over me. After an hour of walking I find a cave to hide out in. I lay her in the sleeping bag on the floor. 

I need to look at her wound. Now. When I lift her shirt up I'm not prepared for what is there. When I was training they made us do first aid, but this is different. We did it on dummies. Not real people we care about. I feel like I'm going to throw up. This isn't good. After I wash it I bandage it up. I know it won't do much good, but it will stop the bleeding for a while. 

I walk out side. "Help me," I whisper to the sky. As if on cue a parachute floats down. It's a note. From Hamitch.


Wait for the announcement.


What announcement? "Attention! Attention!" that announcement. "Each one of you have to have something to survive. We are going to help you just this once. We will have a feast in an hour at the Cornucopia. Be there or go without! May the odds be ever in your favor!" with that I go back inside the cave and prepare. Within the hour I leave the cave. After an hour of walking I hide in the bushes watching the cornicopia. 

The pain has eased. I'm running on adrenaline. Let the feast begin!

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