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Everybody this is our ew student SoPhina Cortez. Good luck you'll  need  it. Wait what ?!   Ms. Michanra  can she sit by me please ? Sure Maria.  Okay class we were going over our state capitals. KENTUCKY anyone ?  Frankfort. Correct   Ms.Cortez .Mucho Bueno. Gracias. And you speak spanish too!!! Si soy mexicano. How about WISCONSIN anyone. Madison. Right again. Bright this one is. Oh stop it . It's  true.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiing,  lunch time.  Okay let me walk you through  the lunch seating. JOCKS,STONERS,CHEERLEADERS,LONERS,BAND,CHESS CLUB,MATH NERDS,SYFY GEEKS,  AND US. And what are we exactly?THE SMART HOTTIES. Why are we called the smart hotties?  Simple

because we're smart and...(hey sexy)...and hot. Excuse me JERK!!!!  UGH,as if. So what  brings you here anyway.  To McAlister or to Los Angeles. Both. Well my popi is in the army so we were moved from  Santa Fe, New Mexico  to  Las Angeles, California.

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