Chapter 6: Study up

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Author's Note: Hello everyone. Sorry about the late post, I've been going through some stuff, don't really want to get into it. Anyways... A big thanx to my Beta, Rafessor (If you still do not know, thats me, I just like both the names and can't decide which one is good). He has been the driving force behind this story actually getting published.

My AN: Yes I copied it and there is an AN at the end explaning plans for the next few chapters. I will be following that. Thank you for the constant views, reads and saves. If you want clarification, feel free to send a comment or if its a more towards the future, feel free to DM me. I will reply to all comments and messages to the best of my ability. [Daphne will come soon, but she has plans for her Daphne and I said yes to those]. There's a AN and a Note clarifing the AN at the end of the story.

So onto the next part.


Harry sat in his room and held his trunk in the palm of his hand. It was so small, it fit in his pocket. Making sure the door was locked a third time, Harry set the trunk on his bed. He took his father's wand, and tapped the lid, sending a bit of magic to activate the charm on the trunk. It suddenly increased in size, until it was as it had never been shrunk.

Harry opened the trunk carefully and began to reinspect the contents. The four books took up the majority of the space in the trunk. Then there were the two wand boxes, and the coin pouch.

Harry had taken about a quarter of the money in his vault (a hundred thousand galleons) out the first time he had visited. All of it had gone into his coin pouch. As his father had stated in the letter, it was much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. He had converted about half of the money he took out into pounds to use in the muggle world.

With that, he had bought himself a completely new wardrobe. Mostly it contained dark-colored button down shirts, and black pants. He also bought himself a nice pair of black boots, as well as a bunch of well-made socks and underwear. Wearing his new clothes that he bought, with his money, brand new, he felt more confident than ever.

Once Harry had gotten Dudley's second bedroom, Aunt Petunia had brought home clothes from the thrift shop for him. They had fit much better than Dudley's castoffs, and he had been grateful for them. That being said, they had been cheaply made, badly colored, and a few years old. He was happy to now have clothes that fit him, and that he looked good in.

Harry looked over the contents of the trunk again before taking out a book to read and sitting cross-legged on his bed. It was this position that Harry spent a good portion of the next few months in.

Harry had only gotten a few pages into 'Animagus - Guide To Your Inner Animal', before realizing that the concepts in them were beyond him at that time and started on 'Occlumency- Protect Your Mind'.

The table of contents, at least looked much closer to subjects he had studied. If he were being honest with himself, the first book's table of contents had been daunting, he'd not understood half the title chapters.

Harry turned to the introduction of the book.

"Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency. It is ancient, and has existed since medieval times. A person who practices this art is known as an Occlumens. Legilimency is accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them."

He ideally wondered if what he had done to the librarian and Petunia counted as legilimency. He had not accessed their thoughts, but he had most certainly influenced them.

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