Emergency meeting

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"How big do you believe this possible threat is, Avatar Asami?" Councilman Noatak asked, his tone serious.
"It's big," she answered, "we need to act now, stop this before it becomes something irreversible."
"Do you really believe that this... Amon, is such a serious threat?" Bumi asked, interlocking his fingers. "From what I'm hearing, he sounds like a lunatic. The possibility that he can actually take someone's bending away for good..."
"We saw him do it!" Bolin snapped.
"Still, it's unlikely that the effect is permanent," the fire nation representative said calmly, "it's more probable that this is just a big scam."
"Even if it is, our main problem is Amon's supporters," Asami sternly said, "from what I saw last night, enough people believe in him to cause a serious problem, and that's only those who showed up at the rally! Who knows how many more equalists are out there?"
"What are you saying?" Noatak asked.
"I'm saying that if we don't resolve this soon we could be looking at a full on civil war," she answered, her eyebrows clenched together, "we gotta act, and we gotta act now."
"I agree," councilman Noatak nodded, standing up and addressing the rest of the council, "from what the Avatar and her friends had informed us of, I believe we should take extreme measures to prevent this potential threat."
"What are you suggesting?" Bumi asked, visibly getting annoyed with Noatak.
"I say we put a curfew on all non-benders," Noatak said sternly, making Asami's eyes widen in shock, "The Avatar had said so herself, our main problem is his followers. Without them, this crazy man will be nothing."
"That's not what I meant!" Asami called out angrily, what the hell is this idiot thinking?'' "All it will do is increase tensions! You're giving him exactly what he wanted!"
"Settle down, miss Sato," he said, making Asami blink at the way he addressed her, given that 'miss Sato' was her mom and she was usually referred to as 'Avatar Asami', "this may be harsh, but it's a necessary precaution. We can set up police patrols in the street–"
"If you think I'll take part in this absurd law you mean to pass, then you are sorely mistaken!" Chief Beifong snarled, cutting him off. "I will not be enforcing an oppressing law, you better figure something else out."
"You have no authority over the council," Noatak replied with a frown, "if and when the law passes, you will enforce it just like any other law, or step down from your role as chief."
Suyin scoffed. "You can be sure I will."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Chief Beifong," Bumi spoke up, "by putting on a curfew, you'll only increase tensions and emphasize Amon's point. You're worried about his supporters? You'll have thousands of them if it passes."
"You make a good point Bumi, however, it's our job to eliminate any potential threat. This could save a lot of lives."
"For once, I agree with Noatak," the earth nation representative spoke, "however, stripping people of their human rights just because of a potential threat sounds a bit too extreme to my liking. I will not vote in favor of a law that discriminates for no reason. If and when I see this becoming an actual, real threat, I'll seriously reconsider."
"It just doesn't seem like the most urgent issue at hand," the fire nation representative said, "right now, all it will do is damage."
"Alright, I accept the decision," Noatak said, sounding like he's anything but at peace with it, "but I shall warn you– when this situation escalates, you will regret doing nothing."
For a moment, Asami wanted to scold the four for not doing anything. However, she'd take it over a discriminating law any day of the week. So, defeated, she turned back to Korra, who didn't seem disturbed in the slightest.
"Sorry about that..." she rubbed the back of her neck as the council disassembled.
Korra shrugged. "I'm used to it by now," she admitted, "Y'know, since there's no–"
"–no non-benders representation in the council," Asami concluded with a sigh, "yep, I see where you're coming from."
"At least they didn't pass the law," Korra said, "...yet."
"They won't, I'll stop them," Asami huffed out, even though realistically she had little to no power over the council, "I still can't believe they're doing nothing!"
"They're politicians, that's what they do best," Bolin said bitterly, "seriously, we tell them there's a maniac on the loose, and they can't even come up with one plan that isn't racist?"
"I'm with Bo on this one," Mako nodded, "seriously, Amon scares the shit out of me and they ain't doing anything besides blaming millions of innocent people."
"Honestly, what did I expect?" Asami bitterly muttered. "This whole council thing is shit anyways. Four people making decisions for millions of people? That's fucking stupid."
"Not to disagree," Bolin hesitated, "but how is it different than one Avatar making decisions for the entire world?"
"So that's why you don't like me!" Asami exclaimed in surprise.
"Didn't, like you," he grumbled, "past tense."
"Aw so you like me now?" She teased.
"Back off fucker," Korra warned, "she's mine."
"First of all, shut up," he said to Korra, "second, I guess helping me save my brother earned you some bonus points. But you gotta admit, one person having all of this power can be really scary to us normal people."
Asami considered his words. "I guess you're right." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. "But it's different from the council. First of all, I have ten thousand life times to assist me, plus a light spirit. Also, I'm not here to pass stupid laws, I'm here to help balance the world."
"But what if the Avatar was an asshole?" Mako asked with furrowed eyebrows. 
"Then they wouldn't be the Avatar, duh," Asami chuckled, "Raava wouldn't pick an asshole."
"Still, you get my point," Bolin folded his arms.
"I do," Asami nodded, "but I'll never abuse my power, ever. And if people are afraid, then..." Asami clenched her jaw. "Then I'll have to prove myself to them."
"Ugh, can we stop talking about such a heavy topic this early?" Korra said, grinning. "Let's do something fun! Wanna go somewhere? Do something?"
"I could eat," Mako suggested.
"We literally ate pancakes an hour ago," Bolin deadpanned.
"Exactly, an hour ago," Mako emphasized, "and now, it's time to eat again."
"Agreed, I'm starving," Korra nodded.
"But... shouldn't we talk about the whole Amon ordeal?" Asami asked, confused. "Like, what's our next move? Where can we find him? How do we fix it?"
"Umm, we can go investigate in the auditorium," Bolin suggested, "not much else we can do..."
"Guys, they're not stupid," Korra sighed, "they knew we were there, they wouldn't leave any clues behind, besides, Amon will show up again! He said so himself, he'll make himself known."
"Exactly, that's why we should stop him before that happens," said Asami, "so that no one else gets hurt."
"I don't know about you guys, but I really don't wanna think about it," Mako shook his head, looking terrified, "it was a... close call. I almost lost my bending..."
"I just don't see how we can actually stop him," Korra folded her arms, "we don't even have a lead."
"Well, I'm going to investigate," Asami said stubbornly, "if y'all wanna join me you're more than welcome."
"Absolutely not." A voice said from behind her.
Asami turned around, looking at the frowning Su with a nervous, lopsided grin. "H-hey Chief!" She stuttered. "Um, I was just-"
"You were just planning to take your friends and ruin a police crime scene," Beifong completed, "if you want to accompany me to the crime scene, that's tolerable. But your friends are one hundred percent not invited."
"Rude..." Mako muttered, making Bolin elbow him.
"Okay, got it, so I'll come with you," Asami nodded, "and uh, you guys can–"
"Wait," Korra interjected, "if Asami's going, then I'm going too."
"You will only jeopardize the crime scene! Not on my watch." Su scoffed.
"I won't touch anything,"she raised her hands in surrender, "I just wanna be there with her."
"C'mon Chief," Asami pressed on it, "just her, how much damage can she do?"
"Funny, that's the exact same question that passes through my mind everytime I look at you." Su said sternly.
Asami was quite used to it, though she still wasn't sure why Su hated her so deeply. She didn't do anything! "Seriously, she was there too, she can help you with the testimonies. Please?"
Chief Beifong squared her jaw, giving Korra another look before sighing in defeat, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Fine." She grumbled. "But you will be escorted by a policeman, and you will not leave their sight. Get in the police car."
"Be right there," Asami assured as Suyin started walking away, then she turned back to the brothers, "talk to you guys later?"
"Yeah, sure," Mako nodded eagerly, "have fun!"
"Of course. With us, it's always a good time," Korra repeated her line from last night, making Asami choked on air and start blushing, "isn't that right, babe?"
"You'll be the death of me," Asami muttered.
"So dramatic," Korra teased.
"Are you two done?" Chief Beifong lost her patience. 
"Never," Korra said with a wink, "let's go."

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