Izukus Boyfriend

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Izukus pov:

I woke up at 9 am. It luckily was saturday so everything was alright. I got up and changed in a comfy hoddie and shorts.

I wondered what I should eat while going to the kitchen. There I saw Denki. "hey Denki" I greeted him as he toke a sip from his coffee and waving towards me.

I really wanted a coffee too so I got a cup and made me a coffee with little bit of sugar and milk.Then I saw Iida and Uraraka walking in together talking about I don't know.

"hey guys! I gretted them as they did the same. We talked a bit before it was time for my morning run. I changed my hoddie to a tanktop and some running shoes.

I ran to the park cause I always run there. After 10 minutes of running I sat down on a bench and took a sip from my water.

It was quite nice weather actually so I enjoyed the sun on my soft skin. "deku?" I heard a voice say beside me.

It was Uraraka!

"oh hey Uraraka-San!" I said after smiling. "are you busy.... Tomorrow?" she asked blushing and fidgeting with her sleeves. "ah- actually yes I am whyd you ask?"

She looked slightly disappointed. Whatever. "oh- well I wanted t-to k-k-know if you...." "if I what?" ".... W-want to go on a date with me!" she said almost yelling.

I was shook. Why would she ask that?! "oh uhm I'm sorry Uraraka but- I have a boyfriend...."

I said rubbing the back of her neck. "w-what- oh my God I'm so sorry deku!" she bowed as I reassure her it was fine.

"but who is it?" she asked cause I never mentioned him. "oh I can't tell you... Sorry" I apologize as she tried to get me tell her at least his name. But I didn't. I ain't no snitch.

"well congrats I guess bye" she said after leaving. Weird... Whatever I wanted to see my boyfriend now! I run to the dorms and in my room.

Then I heard my phone go off ringing.

Ring Ring Ring

"hey kacchan!" I said happily to see my boyfriend at the other line. "morning zuku" he said with his calm husky voice.

We talked almost 1 hour then I heard a knock on my door. "wait kacchan someone knocking on my door"i said putting my phone on my bed and opening the door.

" hey midobro! I wanted to know if you stay here or go to your mother's house? "Denki asked me as I said I wanted to stay here." sick bro see ya! "he said before jogging to his boyfriends, kirishimas, room.

I looked at my phone after closing my door." why you look so grumpy kacchan? "I asked him crawling back in my comfortable bed.

" who was that? "he asked slightly mad." oh it was Denki yknow my best friend " I reassured him. "oh" he said letting out a sigh. "kacchan I have to tell you something" I said a little bit trembling.

He saw that and said "what's up zuko you can tell me anything bby" he said smiling at me. "okay soo my girl best friend Uraraka yknow told me something this morning" I said.

I got an humming as respond. "well she asked me o-out" I said fidgeting with my fingers.

"what" I could hear from the other line. "you declined right?" he asked me kinda starting to panic. "of course! I love you and only you kacchan!" I reassured him as he smiled.

"THAT BITCH BETTER LET YOU ALONE OR I'M FLYING TO YOU AND KILL HER" he yelled as his mother gave him a speech about yelling in her house.

"well I have to go zuku I'm gonna call you at 1pm okay bby?" he asked as I nodded and said yes. "oh and tell your cousin he's a bitch." I gave him a glare as he laugh a little.

Izuku has a boyfriend?! (bakudeku) Where stories live. Discover now