What will happen to Erana now?

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Something tragic happened,My dad is.........Well.....he died when I was 12,died of cancer,and my friend.....she isn't getting any better,And we all are afraid,she's scared too,we haven't talked to her in almost a year,we can't get in touch with her doctor,her friends or her family,We are afraid that what we all are thinking has came true,she might be.............Well we pray that its not like that. And unfortunately thats not the only tragic thing,my mom has a hole in her heart somehow,but its healing,my mom is a bit better but im still praying,also my mom is in Germany,here we don't have good facilities to help her,so my older sister Kritika is staying with me,she's 23 and she's responsible,she is a doctor,she wants to find a cure for cancer and Aquagenic Urticana so she can save millions of lives,but my sister wants me to be free,she wants me to know what life really is....so its summer,and thank GOD this year is Very hot,and it hasn't snowed since this year started,so I'm going OUT,IM GOING OUT IN THE FIRST TIME IN 16 YEARS,can you believe it!!! Anyways im bringing an umbrella.

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