Sapnap ~ Angst

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*Suicide, self-harm, cursing. Please don't read if you can not handle this 

Sapnap's Pov:

I had just got off a discord call with Dream. I stretched from a long day from playing Minecraft, my back poping as I raised my arms over my head. I let out a small groan and got up.  I went to the bathroom and was greeted with a sink filled with blood and tissue.  "Shit"  I mentally curse myself. I cleaned up the mess and did my nightly routine. I opted out of taking a shower so I didn't reopen my cuts from this morning.

I was finally done with my nightly routine, which consisted of me cleaning my mess up from earlier, using the toilet, and then changing into a large hoodie and basketball shorts.

I was fairly tired from today, but I didn't know why. "Maybe it was because you were a little pussy and cried because George and Dream filmed a video without you,"  I told myself. "At least they invited me to their meet-up." I tried to reason with myself. It didn't work, it rarely does anymore. I closed my eyes and felt a tear slip out, then I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Dream's Pov:

I had just gotten off discord with Sapnap, I had invited him to meet up with George and I. We were going to L.A for your first meet-up because both of us haven't been there before. "I can't wait to meet George!" I thought before jumping out of my chair, not without scaring Patches in the process though. I quickly apologized and called George.


"Hi George, I wanted to ask you a quick question." I started.

George's Pov:

RING RING RING. I shot out of my bed. I then saw my phone was the source of the noise, not a weird creature I had dreamt of. I picked it up and squinted at the caller id. "Why is Dream calling me at," I pause to look at the time, "3 in the morning." I sighed and picked it up anyways, he could have been having an anxiety or panic attack for all I knew. So I picked up the phone and answered with the most tired, and confused hello you will ever hear,


"Hi George, I want to ask you a quick question." 

Dreams voice blasted through the phone. I winced and quickly turned down the volume on my phone so it wouldn't happen again. Then finally answered with,

"Dream, do you realize that it is 3 in the fucking morning, and you woke me up to ask a quick question? Do you-" 

"What if we go to L.A a couple of days early, before Sapnap comes. Just the two of us." Dream interrupted me.

I was rendered speechless. My mind races before coming up with the only reasonable answer,

Dream's Pov:

"Yes." George finally said.

"Great! I will book a room for us, we leave in 3 days." I said before hanging up.

I open up the flight list and book George and I a flight to L.A. Then go to sleep dreaming about what we would do when we got there.

Sapnap's Pov:

BEEP BEEP BEEP, I slowly open my eyes and take in the darkroom around me. I look over to my left and see my alarm clock beeping at me. "I hate you so much," I say to it before hitting it off and rolling out of bed. I had promised Karl I would appear in his stream with Quackity. I had reluctantly agreed.

I skipped breakfast because I feel like I don't deserve it and start up my computer. I see Karl is on a call with Quackity so I join.

Karls laugh rang through my headset. I slightly smiled, which was soon followed by "You shouldn't be smiling at them, you don't have what they have. You are worthless, you don't deserve friends like them." I sighed, my mind was right. I was about to leave when,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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