Blooming Rose

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Amy giggles. "Are we there yet?" she asks anxiously. "Almost my precious Rose." Shadow answers. Amy smiles gleefully. Shadow grins. He carefully leads her over the log. "Okay...... now!" he exclaims pulling her blindfold off. Her eyes flutter open. She gasps. In front of her was a picnic on the grass. "Aww! Shadow! You're so sweet!" Amy exclaims and kisses his cheek. He blushes and rubs his cheek where she kissed him. "C'mon Rose." Shadow says offering his hand. She takes it happily. He leads her there and she sits down. He takes the food out and pours the Sparkling Cider into fancy cups. Ants storm into the picnic. "Eee!" Amy squeels jumping up. "They're red ants!" she exclaims and runs away from them. Shadow curses them. He runs after Rose. "How about a nice carriage ride?" he suggests. She nods and smiles. They get in. The horse keeps jolting them and stopping. "Well, that could've been better." Amy says with a frown looking at the horse as they get down. "How 'bout a nice walk on the beach?" Shadow asks hoping to save the night. Amy takes his hand and they walk there. Crabs attacked them. They ran away and sat down panting. "Stupid ants! Stupid horse! Stupid crabs!" Shadow yells frustrated. Amy holds his hand. "It's okay Shadie." she says soothingly. "No it's not! This was supposed to be the perfect night for the most perfect girl." Shadow grumbles. Amy blushes. "It still can be." Amy says sitting down next to him. "What do you mean?" he asks. She leans forward and kisses him. He returns it. They break apart for air. Shadow stands up and offers his hand to Amy. She takes it and Shadow plays music from his phone. They slow dance. Marry Me comes on and Shadow bends down on one knee and pulls out a midnight black box. He starts singing. "Amy, will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it when I say will you marry me?" Shadow sings along. Amy gasps tears in her eyes. She nods vigurously. Shadow smiles and kisses her. Fireworks go off.

Blooming Rose (Shadamy One-Shot Valentine's Day special)Where stories live. Discover now