Chapter Thirteen: Change Of Weather

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The shattering of the glass dome was heard all around Number 12. The sound of multiple feet was heard as they came rushing up the stairs and toward the garden. The kids all stood there, silent as they were shocked both literally and figuratively. Even Krinos was gobsmacked and he was used to these types of things. 

Sirius, Remus, Olivia, Mrs.Weasley, and Mr.Weasley all came bursting into the garden. There was a very noticeable scorch mark on the ground as well as the shattered glass all around them and the small fires where the lightning had touched. Small fired burned on the ground, one of the nearby trees, and a bush.

"What is the name of Merlin, Morgana, and the founders happened in here," Mrs.Weasley screamed at the top of her lungs.

"A lightning bolt came out of nowhere, mum," Ron tells her.

"It destroyed the roof and nearly got us," Ginny added.

"Of course such a selfish person like her would make it all about them without even mentioning Harry or me," Krinos thought.

Sirius and Remus pushed past Mr. and Mrs.Weasley, heading right to Harry to check and see if he was okay. Olivia ran right up to Krinos to check on him.

"Pup, are you hurt," Sirius started patting Harry all over to see if there were any spots that hurt his godson.

"I'm fine, Sirius," Harry laughed a little as some of the spots that Sirius tested tickled him a bit. "You can stop seeing if I am hurt, now."

"Relax, Padfoot," Remus had to basically pull Sirius off of Harry since he was still worried for his godson.

"I can not help but worry," Sirius says.

Olivia, after making sure that her cousin was not injured, looked at the scene around her. There were not two things that she was sure of. One, that Krinos was probably slightly pissed that his brand new garden was ruined. And two, that there was definitely some form of magic at work since there had been no rain or rainstorm predicted for that day. She looked her cousin right in the eye.

"Skéfteste ti skéftomai," she asked him in Greek. Translation: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

"An skéfteste óti o Chári eíche mia ékrixi apó mystikistikí psychí mageía, tóte nai," Krinos responded. Translation: If you are thinking that Harry had a burst of mystic soul magic, then yes.

"Aftó pou synévi gia na ton kánei na antidrá étsi," Olivia asked. Translation: What happened to make him react like that?

"O Nkréintzer sás apokálese psémata," Krinos answered. Translation: Granger called you a lying freak.

Olivia growled as she stole a glare at the bushy-haired bossy girl. Sirius and Remus noticed the glare right away. That also made them notice that Harry also looked just as upset at his so-called friends as Krinos and Olivia seemed to be.

"What happened, Pup," Sirius asked Harry.

"While I may not know about why the lightning came, I think it was just karma punishing Hermione," Harry crossed his arms as he glared at the know-it-all. "Guess karma doesn't like it when she calls someone a 'lying freak' based entirely on her own opinions."

Krinos growled again, his eyes glowing green.

"Hermione," Remus scolded the girl. "Just because you do not believe in the power of mystic souls does not give you the right to insult Olivia like that."

"But she has to be lying," Hermione looked ready to explode. "Wandless magic is rare so that means that mystic souls are fake."

"Wandless magic is rare for wand-users, Hermione," Sirius tells the annoying girl. "But mystic souls are entirely different types of witches and wizards from those that use wands. To you, it is wandless magic. To them, it is simply the magic they use since they have never had the need for wands."

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